Ameona nini so far ?
Stars and galaxies
huyu ni @Tom Bayeye
By the way, kunakuanga kunajulikana what the tribes knew about astronomy, sun, moon, stars, planets etc BEFORE ANY contact with Arabs/Europeans etc ? ama thats lost info ?
Hii chikuyu ilinunua telescope ya kuangalia matako zikipita ikadaisha inafanya astronomy? I’m sure there is an angle to monetizing this business. These people from the mountain are just weird.
Bonobos knew nothing about the cosmos. They just referred to everything as ‘stars’(apart from the moon and sun). They had no telescopes to observe and differentiate between planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae etc
Not everyone is gày like you.
your ancestors knew nothing about such things. All they knew about was female circumcision, arranged marriage, and planting sorghum.
Ni cosmic rastaman @hakimoto . Kumbe ni kagege
Mnajua huyu ndiye the famous Wanjohi wa Kigogoine?
You are very ignorant. Wewe ni born town. They used stars to time planting and when timing of rains seasons
Kuna time alikua funny sana
You can’t be to sure about that, alot of info was lost
How does an astronomer make money?
Because science is a reserve of superior whites, right? Imbecilic low-esteem nugu…
Thenks ,but mimi hapana thuraku. Im a star gazer though. Ni fiti unafikiriaga ukiona vitu. I appreciate you son