Wanyama wote are ready for the world within minutes,hours or weeks of birth. Binadamu has to be taken care of hadi amee fudhii
That’s just heard instint. Dogs are not capable of complex emotions. You’re misinterpreting natural heard instint and anthromophisizing their behavior to suit what happens when a human misses another. If you slaughtered and cooked the cow Infront of the dog, it would eat a fat juicy steak and come for seconds after licking its balls and your face, proving it’s incapable of the higher emotions you ascribe to it.
Kama wewe hufunzwa na mbwa funzwa peke yako.
African culture and animism came from nature…gikuyu , hausa , luhya , twa etc philosophy borrows alot from their environment… plants , stars and animals etc … the best kind of life human-kind ever lived
Dogs can teach you a lot if you can afford to pay attention
dogs humans the doggy style?
I beg to differ.
Because the humans have to adapt, and take long to face the world because of top notch competition from the fellow humans.
Humans are natured to take long but best
Well,that makes the great white shark an amateur considering a pup will devour its siblings whenever a chance presents itself. Long for the humans yes,best…not really.