The form one selection has just turned my house into a little hell. My gal is seated at her ussual corner blankly staring at the tv not quite following her favourite Nikolodean show, deep in thought. She cant comprehend what just happened.
See, earlier today, we sent that sms to 20042 and the school that came back, was neither amongst her choice, nor is it anywhere near her performance. She is lucky, by far. Her cousin, my niece, got a school three counties away from her former school.
We hoped to get a national school, but we had settled, realistically for an extra county school. We got a county school that is all hype but zero substance.
Now i have to go school searching from kesho, for a student whose perfomance was a sure bet.
I dont know what was decided at the selection board, but, its very unfair to the young ones.
Oooooh! Nilikua nadhani yuko mitaa ya huko. Kama angepata hio ningelewa her sadness. Lakini hii selection imepiga watu chenga sana nimeskia story za watoto wamepata 400 kwenda juu wanapata shule za county tena duni. I think performance yapanda huku nako shule zikishuka.
Pamba pia ako na masaibu, nilikuwa nimepata Nova academies huko Kikuyu sahii naambiwa shule imejaa, wacha nijaribu Booker academy @fala hauwezi niunganisha na mtu st Peter’s?
Go to private schools e.g. Mt Laverna in Kasarani, or Kiriri girls in Githurai. Good schools but higher price. I was in your position last year but I saw God’s hand and my gal got a good school.
In ten years time,formal classroom exam will never be a measure of how successful one is. It is at this time that Kenya will grow to a super African powerhouse economic wise. See,you don’t believe your daughter can fit in a county school. She is too bright for that. She should go to a better school of your perception and re-live the dreams you didn’t live to be. Hiyo ndiyo system ya Kenya inajaribu kutoa. Wangu nawafunza kujitegemea. With all the As their dad got and here I am…bruised and hand to mouth…I learnt a lesson. Never again. Akiitwa Moi Ngeos Isinya ataenda huko bora nimemfunza jinsi ya Kujitegemea maishani.