The problem is they require raw materials to make their chips from US companies. With an embargo no one will sell to u or they will be heavily fined or prevented from trading with other US companies
You see, for us to have a proper discussion, why don’t we concentrate more on facts instead of your fairy tales?
FACT: every single action that drumpf takes is to his personal benefit. His true reasons for banning Huawei arises from a mixture of these issues, 1. He tried to bulldoze something from them to his favour, which they outrightly refused hence he decided to punish them considering how petty he is. 2. He’s jealous of Huawei’s lead in the 5G tech, and decided to hurt them. 3. Appeasing his base by trying to show his strength by banning this “damn China company”.
The daughter of the Huawei founder is accused of selling US tech to Iran.
But the reality is that U.S corporations are defying the U.S government.
I mean what is Huawei?
Huawei was formed by a former Chinese soldier called Ren Zhengfai. He represents the Chinese govt interests.
The technology they make is designed in the U.S.
It is a martriage between the Chinese govt and U.S corporate elites greedy for profits.
When Huawei sells to Iran it simply means the U.S corporates don’t care. They know consider themselves more powerful than the U.S government.
That is the natrative peddled by the media companies owned by these U.S corporates. Remember that it is their advertising fees that keep CNN running.
China has been captured by American oligarchs. It happened over many decades until it was too late.
Today these U.S oligarchs don’t even fear the law any more. They are above the law. If they want to sell their products to Iran for instance they’ll do it whether the U.S govt. likes it or not.
And you can’t catch them because they are not in charge of Huawei.
@Kennedy Maina you will find that Kirin chips are made under licence from Arm holdings which is headquatered in England and San Francisco.
But if you dig further you will find that Arm holdings is really just Apple and IBM.
So Huawei is really just an offshoot of Apple inc. :D:D:D:D:D:D
That is why Apple today is as rich as a superpower country. Trump can’t tell them shiet they feel that they are more powerful than Trump.
The main raw material for chips is silicon, which is sand. Available everywhere.
Also, China is the world’s largest source for rare earth minerals, the other most important raw materials for computers, batteries and semi conductors.
Plus even if the US has the raw materials, Huawei doesn’t need to buy them directly.
Trump is angry that the ‘freemarket’ approach of the US is failing them in maintaining their domination that’s why he has resorted to using threats.
And no, it’s not just Huawei alone.
Accusations have started coming up against Xiaomi, another Chinese company.
You know, that’s the funny thing with being a hypocrite. When it now gets turned against you, you cry out that these people are being unfair to you.
It must be very easy to just take sand and melt it and make a microchip. Why aren’t we Kenyans doing it I wonder. :D:D:D:D:D
Hata O.S wameshindwa kutengeneza. That is because China is just a factory. The thinkers are in America. The hope is that Trump will lose in November and life can go back to normal between U.S oligarchs and the Chinese ruling elite. It’s now a waiting game.
The Chinese actually foresaw thus scenario long before and it’s why they have been moving to become self-reliant.
They are even building their own Quantum research facility(largest in the world).
In order to dominate, you have to be self-sufficient, or impose on others(imperialism) to enable your sufficiency.
But they need the cutting edge software tools and transistor patents (from us companies) to design the chipset and the foundry/manufacturers (asml and Taiwan’s tsmc) to make the actual chipsets. It’s a value chain that is dependent on the US and they can’t replace it as soon as they want
And by the way, the Chinese are really wise in not retaliating.
Many US companies are getting big big money out of China and it’s not because the Chinese cannot be able to live without them.
McDonalds, Starbucks, the NBA, etc.
So either Trump is stupid
Or is double-stupid in this move.
Again go back to your history books : why did U.S corporations lobby their government to allow them to move manufacturing to China? Who was the president then?
Because these companies had lobbied in the past but they wouldn’t be allowed to offshore manufacturing to a socialist country.
Today Apple is richer than most govts. They have made billions in profit from manufacturing cheaply in China.
As a U.S president you can’t tell apple anything, to put it in Kenyan slang. Huwezi waambia chochote.
A U.S president can’t control Jeff Bezos or Zuckerberg easily. These fuckers have the resources to buy the presidency.
US can have the thinkers as China makes the money.
And China has been converting sand to silicon since the before the mobile phone.
Trump sparking a bloody trade war with China is actually scaring even America’s allies away from the US.
Countries in the EU and Asia are taking note and reasoning that they will likely be next if they “don’t toe the line”
In the end it will spark a tech race that is much more profound than the space race. All countries will want to be self-sufficient. Already China is keen on taking over the quantum world and is a leader in biotech. New alignments will come up. Shifts will happen and by the end of the race there will be a winner and a loser.
Einstein once shuddered at the thought of a Chinese global superiority over Europeans.
We’ll see where this goes, but I know in a race there must be a winner and a loser.
China has been in the silicon business even before the mobile phone. TVs, radios etc.
To think they would go under after decades, if US pulled the plug on patents is being naive.
You think the millions of patents filed by Chinese companies are all worthless?
That’s not the point though. The patents the US have are ‘cutting edge’ if China are already on the same level or generation of tech then it begs the question why they are so dependent on us tech.
China of course gets the
You fellows amaze me by your shallow thinking. You are divorcing government from finance and yet government survives on money made by corporations.
Governments essentially don’t make money. The money is made by the companies and the citizens.
Who is more dependent on the other?
US buys more from China than vice versa.
You are living in the past.
You need to understand that a patent is simply one way of doing something.
You can achieve similar functionality using a different method, and you’ll not have infringed.
And this is what China is all about.
China files 5 times as many patents as US. You think there are no ‘cutting edge’ patents among them.
You can’t bury your head in the sand forever.
The US just had a headstart. China has arrived.
The race to 5G exposed this clearly.
I think you need to update yourself about chip design and manufacture.
Even if they had the patents, they still don’t have the value chain which will takes tens of billions of dollars to setup and even more money will be wasted switching from us to self dependency. Meanwhile you’re assuming the US will be waiting to play fair. Even their neighbors Samsung is more ahead of China while they keep delaying their long awaited switch. Samsung and apple wanangoja kukula huawei’s market share once the deadline for the chip embargo arrives. Samsung also have their own patents but they still depend on us value chain to survive.