HR Jerald


Wueh… enyewe it is true vile wahenga was pwani walisema KAZI YA TAJIRI NI KUTUMIA NA KUTUPA

Wueeeeeh! huyo mujamaa wa mjei ni @ThiriMAVI

Wouldnt expect this sort of communication from people who have shared same bed.

Watchu mean jimit?

Moral of the story. … fuck the right manager.

The way she seduced this man, should do the same to the next man. The husband is sweating blood huko kwa mjengo while she’s fu*cking another guy! Bure kabisa.

Just the same person behind the screens. Like the conversation isnt very natural.

and the fact that it’s a tiktok makes it even more sus

Hakuna huruma kwa lanye …atulie bwanake atamletea mawe wakule.

Fake chieth

fake convos

Scripted shit