HPV Causing Cancer in Men

HPV(Human Papilloma Virus)

Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Most sexually active men and women being exposed to the virus at some point during their lifetime.

There are different types of HPV. Some can lead to genital warts and others can cause some types of cancer.

Most sexually active men and women will contract the HPV virus at some point during their lifetime.

HPV can be spread through oral, vaginal, or anal sex.

It can result in genital warts and some types of cancer.Sometimes, HPV can be transmitted during birth to an infant causing genital or respiratory system infections. There is no cure for HPV but safe and effective vaccinations are recommended at the age of 11 to 12 years.

It is also important to note that, although warts and cellular changes may be removed or resolved, the virus can remain in the body and can be passed to others. There is no treatment to remove the virus from the body.


Routine Pap tests and other types of screening can provide an early diagnosis, if cancer develops. Measures can be taken to treat any cancer and prevent it from developing.


HPV may not cause symptoms at once, but they can appear years later. Some types can lead to warts, while others can cause cancer.


Common symptoms of some types of HPV are warts, especially genital warts.

Genital warts may appear as a small bump, cluster of bumps, or stem-like protrusions. They commonly affect the vulva in women, or possibly the cervix, and the penis or scrotum in men. They may also appear around the anus and in the groin.

They can range in size and appearance and be large, small, flat, or cauliflower shaped, and may be white or flesh tone.

Other warts associated with HPV include common warts, plantar, and flat warts.

Common warts - rough, raised bumps most commonly found on the hands, fingers, and elbows.

Plantar warts - described as hard, grainy growths on the feet; they most commonly appear on the heels or balls of the feet.

Flat warts - generally affect children, adolescents, and young adults; they appear as flat-topped, slightly raised lesions that are darker than normal skin color and are most commonly found on the face, neck, or areas that have been scratched.


Other types of HPV can increase the risk of developing cancer. These cancers include cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx, or the base of the tongue and tonsils. It may take years or decades for cancer to develop.

HPV can infect anyone who is sexually active. HPV is a virus that is passed skin-to-skin through sexual intercourse or other forms of skin-to-skin contact of the genitals.

While most HPV infections are benign, causing warts on areas of the body including the hands, feet, and genitals, there are certain strains that put a person at a higher risk of developing certain types of cancers.

HPV can infect anyone who is sexually active; many times, infected individuals are asymptomatic, meaning they display no symptoms of the virus.

Although most HPV infections resolve themselves, sometimes, they can remain dormant and later infect a new or existing sexual partner.

HPV can be transmitted to the infant during birth; this can cause a genital or respiratory system infection.

It is important to note that the strains of HPV that cause warts are different from the group of HPV strains that cause cancer.

Risk factors

Some factors increase the risk of contracting the HPV virus.

These include:

having a higher number of intimate partners

having sex with someone who has had several intimate partners

having a weakened immune system, for example, due to HIV or after having an organ transplant

having areas of damaged skin.

having personal contact with warts or surfaces where HPV exposure has occurred

What’s to know about HPV in men?

Most information about HPV focuses on women, but it can also cause health problems in men.


If warts or lesions are visible, a doctor can generally make a diagnosis of HPV during a visual inspection. However, additional tests may be needed to confirm the presence of HPV.

When should I get tested for HPV?

Tests to evaluate for HPV or HPV-related cervical cellular changes include a Pap smear, a DNA test, and the use of acetic acid (vinegar).

A Pap smear is a test that collects cells from the surface of the cervix or the vagina and will reveal any cellular abnormalities that may lead to cancer.

The use of a DNA test will evaluate for the high-risk types of HPV and is recommended for women 30 and older in conjunction with a Pap smear.

There is also a DNA test for HPV, which can be used alone without the need for concurrent Pap testing starting at age 25.

At times, a biopsy of any abnormal areas may be necessary.

Currently, there is no test available for men to check for HPV; diagnosis is made primarily on visual inspection. In certain situations, if men or women have a history of receptive anal sex, it may be advisable to speak with a doctor regarding the possibility of undergoing an anal Pap smear.


HPV vaccination hypodermic

There are three HPV vaccines currently on the market.

Measures that can reduce the risk of contracting HPV include:

having the HPV vaccine

practicing safe sex

practicing abstinence or being in a monogamous sexual relationship

not having sex while there are visible genital warts

It is hard to prevent common warts. If a wart is present, people should avoid picking it or biting finger nails. For plantar warts, it is recommended that shoes or sandals be worn in public areas such as pools and locker rooms.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend vaccination at the age of 11 to 12 years, to reduce the risk of cervical and other cancers developing in future.

The vaccine is given in two doses, 6 to 12 months apart.

Catch-up vaccines are recommended for males up to the age of 21 years and females up to 26 years who did not receive the vaccination at a younger age. Gay and bisexual men are encouraged to have the vaccination up to the ages of 26 years.

People between the ages of 27 and 45 years who have not had the vaccination in the past are now eligible for vaccination with Gardasil 9.


Currently, there are three HPV vaccines on the market: Gardasil, Cervarix, and Gardasil 9. Speak with a doctor to see if vaccination is appropriate.
-Stolen from Eric Nyaga



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Sound Advice … :blush:

Apparently there is no test for hpv in men…only in women


Sing along to this banger and your HPV will be cured.

Why is there no HPV test for Men…??

Can a man be tested…??

Research has shown that the HPV test may lead to inconsistent results with men.
This is because it is difficult to get a good cell sample to test from the thick skin on the Penis.

Most Men will not have visible symptoms if they are exposed to HPV.

Choose your partners carefully and always observe safe Sex Practices …
Now You Know … :blush:

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watu wa kupima na macho bado hawataskia…kitu tamu(kuma)lakini imebeba ma ugonjwa wazimu


Yeah…absolute truth

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Ukishikwa na high-risk strain wewe kwisha, you’ll immediately be a cancer candidate at some point. Especially kama uko na luwere on top.

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The worst part is hpv even with a condom, the condom does not cover the scrotum…au @MTINGIZA_KITANDA do research and make a condom that covers the whole sex organ…hpv spreads just by mere touch…so makende ikishikana na pucci…hpv pap


Thats why unakagua kuma before ukule. Si kulia senye kwa giza huoni majipu

Some ladies might be asymptomatic…so unapima na mecho to your detriment


Ogopa hpv…sob sob

@kukula na macho has taken many guys to early graves

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Pole sana bro…what meds are you taking? Uliambukiwa lini?

This is not me…just an illustration

Iko Shida Hapo … :blush:

Kubwa sana…one weekend on riverroad…most lanyes will be infected…coz the dry fry battalion is on rampage…perilous times ahead

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Pole sana bro. Get well soon