How we can save the Sugar Industry!

Kenyan sugarcane farmers are in dire straits due to the rise of imported sugar that is slowly killing the livelihood of thousands of Kenyan farmers and close to rendering an entire generation into poverty.

The solution which could eventually save us some forex is to turn our sugar into ethanol which we can mix it with gasoline for a 10% to 15% which would save us millions in fuel importation.

Ethanol sugar is a clean, affordable and low-carbon biofuel that could very much transform the livelihood of many people in this country and lower pump prices. We already produce Ethanol which is used in our alcohol and pharma industries why don’t we translate that success into the transportation industry which will very much help in lowering transportation costs

Jail Rai

Solution is to uproot sugarcane and plant something else

And what would that solve?

Guys in the fuel industry making easy millions. Adding ethanol based fuel would benefit us more than the cartels.

Our Government is too dumb to institute the changes.

At least it would be a start

Why? Aside from consumer sugar. It’s very important to the alcohol industry, baking, etc.

We need to maximize the potential that is lacking in the industry.

I have a personal rule not to invest in anything that man can do away with. Personally, I’ve managed to do away with sugar, milk … so these plights of oooh our milk industry is suffering due to brook side, ooh our sugar industry… those are industries destined to fail. They are only held together by the millions they spend in marketing.

No…just drop sugarcane farming …soon we will open our borders once we adopt a common external tariff thanks to comesa…once that happens expect me to also bring in very cheap sugar from Zambia. Their sugar is produced cheaply…hence cheap

been telling my people to do other cash crops but wamenitusi sana. When moi fucked up kahawa huko central, what did they do, they started other things like tea, hoho and others . lakini hawa waluhya wetu hawana kitu inaitwa unity to form a cooperative societies to research on best farming methods and crops to plant. wao tu ni kukatana miguu na mikono . useless sana . niliachana nao. saa hii wanalia sana

Nothing can save the sugar industry, apart from the cost of production, our active farmers have very small acreage to sustain cane farming.

In kenya everyone is an expert in everything. sugar cane in the gas tank, nakuambia.

We need to shoot dead the top 70% per cent of our POLITICIANS, jail the rest of the criminals and their associates.
The problem with the Kenyan holloi poloi is that they seek solutions from the same fuckers who caused it or are continuing the scams…


Due to corruption and influence peeling, methods chosen to subsidize the farmer are always skewed to favour cartels. I advocate for deregulation of all agricultural sectors and let Mr Market rule. Supply and Demand should be let to determine market prices. Regulations should only play the role of preventing market manipulation. After all, we don’t subsidize tea, coffee, ndengu and cut flower sectors. If we can’t compete globally on one agricultural sector, why not abandon it?

Some will claim that Sijui maize is the staple and we need to protect its farmers. That’s bullshit! Our country can produce enough sorghum, cassava and other starchy plants that are a good substitutes to maize. Furthermore some of these alternative crops are draught resistant, a bonus when maize doesnt do well. We need to get the typical Kenyan palate used to other good starches other than maize.

I’m tired of the government using my taxes to ‘subsidize’ ghost farmers. Hiyo usaidizi haifikii Jeptoo hapo Rift or Nafula in Western. It’s just a cash cow being milked by the death merchants.

umezoea kula hizo alternatives?

There’s only one solution - the sugar mills be bought by farmers and run under a farmer’s sacco or cooperative. But there are micro politics in the sugar belt which won’t allow that. Cc @Abba

Boss si umejam na hawa watu wenu.

boss si i thought uko majuu and should know better that your cars consume gas with 20% ethanol ama what im i missing. incase hujui this is how ethanol is made for your car?

Ethanol is produced from biomass mostly via a fermentation process using glucose derived from sugars (sugar cane, sugar beet and molasses), starch (corn, wheat, grains) or cellulose (forest products) as raw materials. In this form, it is renewable. Synthetic ethanol can also be produced from non-renewable sources like coal and gas.

From a chemical viewpoint conventional ethanol is manufactured via a process where glucose is transformed by yeast into ethanol called fermentation.


In this process the feedstock is first converted into glucose. In the case of sugar this is quite straightforward as the sugar is simply dissolved in water. Starch however requires pre-processing where the starch is transformed into glucose through a process call liquefaction and saccharification. This process through the addition of enzymes frees the glucose bound in the starch and makes it available for fermenting into alcohol.


you are welcome patco

You have no idea okwonkwo. Ndio maana you find some of us strategically deal with women from other communities ( @uwesmake is a living example na mama clinchy yake ).By this the ujinga genes located in our chromosomes tend to blend with other communities’ genes suppressing our ujinga genes.

Case study ,look at how wetangula,mudavadi,jirongo behave and you will understand.

Yes, nimekula injera from up north, shikwanga from the Congos na Ile ugali brown from Kosewe among others. Hii ugali ya sifted maize ni tasteless. My favourite ugali ni Ile imetoka kwa mahindi ya home na imesagwa in the neighbourhood posho mill ile ya Johana (my neighbour huko Ndunduri).

This wont work. Corruption has permeated every pore of every public organisation. My Mzee once belonged to a vibrant dairy co-op, halafu they elected some goon to chair it. End of story. Wacha brokers wakule, let’s encourage farmers to be technologically literate. Let them have information regarding market prices all the time.

If a brainy soul here can create an ebay or Alibaba like solution for agricultural produce, pray for him to actualize it.