I can tell if you are a bad person, EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL, with one simple test.
The majority of these people walk around believing they are good people, and we are easily fooled by them as well, because they are “nice”.
Oh, they are nice alright!
So here is how you know you are dealing with a person who is BAD, meaning that they are easily made tools for evil agendas.
You know how the word CONSPIRACY exists?
It exists because powerful people DO IN FACT conspire against We The People. Powerful individuals and entities work in secret to do things that we would not allow them to do if they were upfront about it.
That is what a conspiracy is.
Conspiracies have always been EVERYWHERE. I can name conspiracies all day. If you dont try very hard you can find dozens in mere minutes of using the internet. These are conspiracies that changed the course of societies and civilizations.
Bad people cant talk about conspiracies!
They wont entertain them, at all.
Think about that for a moment.
Especially right now, we find that most people want to desperately forget those years we allowed them to lock us down for no reason, working on our psyches like never before.
You know who else wanted to forget the roles they played?
Its really easy to understand.
When a person can admit that a conspiracy exists, it causes them an inner conflict (if they are not truly good people), because they know what is right, and what their role truly should be, which is against the conspiracy, but they choose ignorance over acceptance of the knowledge.
This makes them bad people!
This makes them an active tool of the conspirators, the people that give life, their energy to the evil, the mass manipulations.
Look around!
How many “men” do you know of who stand against these conspiracies on the daily.
How many do you see getting more bent out of shape over the outcomes of sports games, or video games, or excited by pornography or the host of superheroes they live through in entertainment?
Ive seen “men” in bloody fights over entertainment. Ive seen “men” obsess over fantasy characters.
The reason why the world is so fucked right now socially is that people are not spending their passion and willpower on the things that actually matter, but rather various forms of entertainment made to spiritually castrate them.
There are no more men to protect us.
They are too busy “jerking off”, in every sense of the term.
The majority of these men cant even name a conspiracy, because once they get into the reality of conspiracies, they will get to the one that effects them, the one that exposes their ignorance, and thus their part in making evil stronger.
Its easier to be a “nice” guy and say all the “right” things, because they can spend their aggression and righteous will to change things on silly trivial nonsense.
This is a normal “man” today.
I showed my face everywhere the “authorities” said I couldnt for those years, and it made me realize more than ever how absent men are from our culture.
I would make eye contact with everyone, because I refused to be programmed to believe that living among masked people is safe somehow, especially a couple months in where one had all the information they needed to see it was a sham.
“men” didnt want to admit they knew like I did, because then they would have to live with the fact they are not acting like men, that they are not actually good people.
Obedient doesnt mean good when it comes to humans. Pets, OK! BUT NOT PEOPLE!
We developed a forebrain above other mammals for a reason!
So when people purposely use various means of shutting down their prefrontal cortex, shutting down their ability to judge and discern, they are denying G-ds creation.
They are denying the gift given to us which makes us know good from evil, right from wrong.
When people cannot talk about or even mention a major conspiracy, of which there are thousands to bring up at any moment, you are witnessing WILLFUL IGNORANCE.
The willfully ignorant will watch as you are taken away for no good reason. They will snitch and call the cops on you. Especially when masked and seemingly anonymous. People get really loose and ugly with mass masking.
Did we not just witness that a few years back? Did we not see how empowered the worst people in our society became, while the last of the good people we may have had were psychological programmed to be obedient, to deny the voice in their heads and not take right action?
“men” today have never been more absent from their environments, and carpets have never been more full of jizz.
“Men” cant seem to get it up for the right reasons.
Weak and obedient men are the norm.
Dont let them fool you!
Nice guys are the worst guys.