How To run Away From The Police or DCI

It is not clear… They do not need mpesa records to track yoh down…

If you do not wish to be tracked using mobile devices just avoid owning any and run to bundus with a fake identity… Do not even use another person’s phone to call anybody you have ever called before

And that’s where I come in, am available to start immediately .Hire me

You need to watch more movies…

Wachana na hawa watu, quite a few talkers are involved in fraudulent activities online and on mobile. They don’t like to hear how easy it is for alphabet agencies to get around their VPNs and ten sim cards when they really want to.


Hiyo sijakataa madam. Just make sure you steal enough to pay off the Chief Superintendent and the magistrate, then you won’t have to go underground when they come looking for you like your colleague.

Hii kenya kuhepa ni rahisi sana juu our police men mostly depend on intelligence(snitches). First thing ditch your mobile phone have someone give you hard cash then disappear to a rural area. Live a humble life no flashy lifestyle ata kama uko na pesa, no phone calls, no electronic cash transactions.

Wow, sounds easy peasy!

Hard cash is the easiest to trap you… The cops will make copies and treat the notes so when you touch them your fingerprints stick

Looks like you are part of this corruption thing. Kwani huyo manager wenu ana kiu aje hadi anajiingiza kwa deal ya less than 100k. We are busy chasing watu wameiba billions na naona tutakomesha hawa wa pesa nane kwanza.

Huyo lazima alale ndani.

Tuwache ufisadi tafadhali.

Kenya isnt Majuu, all that hustle ,hiyo sio kazi ya pamba wetu

How much were you paying someone ndio aquit job juu ya kesi ya 100k , si mtu unaenda DCI na 65,000 wachukue ama wakatae.

Aende Dar via Namanga border akae huko nine months alafu arudi Kenya atulie… no calling back anyone in kenya

Actually that’s how EACC do it hapa vumbistan…just go through the papers

Are you sure they is no Phone Tracking?

By the way Driver alishikwa and was given records of the total number of times he has called the Manage straight from Safaricon

Get offline, social media and cellphone. Switch location/towns. Maintain a low profile in new location. DONT contact family, friends or acquaitances. IO will get grandkids without ever having a whiff of where your kinyambis dissapeared to.

That also sounds very easy. Like the cash has legs to find it’s way to the culprit

That is information that anybody can acess as long as they have details for your Safaricom Portal log ins. That’s how I used to look for numbers for my exes from very long time ago.