Wassup madafakas guys so on 1st November 2020 I decided to quit cigarettes for life, I will never ever smoke in my life again. Thing with me is i can easily quit cigarettes but will go back because I kind of used it to pass time but after observing some negative mental effects I quit, stuff like brain fog, lack of concentration etc was not fun. I found myself rushing away from the office at 3 PM to run to the shop and puff a cigarette so i can do my job a pretty shitty state of affairs. Anyways with this easy steps you could quit too;
You need to understand how nicotine withdrawals works , After not smoking for a while you get intense craving, This usually lasts around 10 minutes after which they are gone, you will get several waves of such cravings throughout the day, the trick is to get through these 10 minutes. Take it bit by bit.
2.Set small goals. Everyday i wake up I commit to not smoking for that single day not a week, a month or a year but just that day alone. In the evening returning home having not smoked gives me a little bit of pleasure but the journey is not yet done as being home at night in your free time is the most risky part to fall into cravings so i plan out my night very strictly. At around 9 PM i got to bed. The following morning waking up having not smoked the previous days gives me such intense pleasure and I repeat the process.
Getting a good excercise is key, i go for 30 morning jogs everyday. Trying to quit cigarettes without excercise is an uphill battle. Incorporate excercise into your lifestyle.
Eat a good diet, quit Chips, fried chicken, soft drinks is a big no. These kinds of food absolutely increase your urge to smoke. Quit totally.
Drinks LOTS of water. I mean a lot.
Do NOFap. Quit porn & Musturbation totally. You will think quitting 2 vices at the same time makes it hard but surprisingly it actually makes the whole journey much easier. See trying to quit while still doing porn and musturbation absolutely leads to failure, these 2 vices are conjoined. You jerk off and smoke to increase pleasures , smoke then jerk off to feel better, it’s a vicious cycle.
If you do all these , in 5 days smoking will be history for you.
I never started smoking. My entire life I have smoked like 5 cigarettes max na ni juu ya peer pressure in my early 20s and late teens. Fegi hazikunibamba at all.
I used to like how cool it seemed to smoke. I tried my hand on a dunhill. Got the headrush but nothing more than that. Tried it a few more times ikakataa kunishika. Na vile watu husema ukivuta ya kwanza ni hivyo
i tried smoking Embassy and bhang at 16 years , i didnt feel anything just coughs nikasema ni uwongo watu wanadanganyana and i have never touched cigs again. bangi nilijaribu way later again ikaniweka nje ile kuskia vibaya not high ya kuenjoy, i never touched it again, kumbe ile nilijarribu at 16 was fake.
Used to smoke when drinking but that would leave me with a very bad taste in the mouth the following morning plus hangover.
Nikaachana nazo. That was over 15 years ago.
5 days is an eyeblink bro. Your lungs haven’t even started healing yet. Shoot for 6 months but take it a day at a time. It sounds counterproductive but don’t take it too seriously. Don’t set your entire life around not smoking. Just kind of… do it. And stick to it. Worked for me for 3 years.
Anyone who smokes cigarettes is mad. How can you inhale smoke containing deadly gases into the respiratory tract? It’s akin to eating or drinking poison knowingly.