Gaaaayyyyyy!!! Homozegshual!!!
ulipata hio memo wapi?no big deal, it’s an open secret wewe ni team mahomo
Yes, it is physical assault.
The subject of homosexuality is highly emotive and polarizing in Kenya. After their loss in court, the LGBTQ seemed to have been adviced to take to the streets in demonstration, dressed provocatively, making loud gestures. Along the way, the G4S ‘warriors’ from Western Gachie must have tried to prevent the loonies infringing on the properties that they guard, or prevented them from going down a particular path, wakazusha.
Too bad the reps of USAID, NOVIB, JICA, Plan International, HIVOS, etc. promptly vanished in their SUVs once kivumbi started.
That niggu wanted pictures za kuomba visa to majuu na alipata.
wafanye upuzii zao in private apana letea sisi kwa street
For the sake of clarity: that photo was not taken last Saturday.
hii c poa