With the political uncertainty in 2022, many Kenyans would be interested in knowing how they can keep their cash safe huko majuu. The process is quite simple and straightforward.
With the political uncertainty in 2022, many Kenyans would be interested in knowing how they can keep their cash safe huko majuu. The process is quite simple and straightforward.
Sisi watu wa HSBC na SC PLC tukae kipande gani?
Kypii hauna pesa, nyamazisha foreskin!
Huko majuu bomb italipua pesa bwana, heri elfu mbili yangu ilale hapa Kenya.
Pia hii comment ya pesa tomba
This is stupidity. You are only enriching these offshore havens. A mayor in Switzerland an offshore haven ,said he is given millions by the local Swiss banks to repair park benches and roads but he knows that there are kids starving in Ethiopia while he is spending money looted from their country on park benches that don’t need repair. Tafakari hio
Switzerland gives Kenya expensive loans whereas Moi’s money is hidden in Switzerland. Basically they loan Kenyans their own money and then make a sweet profit on top.
And when Moi died 70% of his wealth remained in Switzerland, haitarudi Kenya.Most corrupt billionaires die and no one goes to Switzerland to claim the wealth. If you don’t have the account details , sahau.if gideon dies and no one has the account info, that money is gone forever
All that money find its way to London, that is why it is a world financial centre because all these transactions are processed there. Then those banks in tax havens are mere branches of banks in London and Newyork. Those banks loan that money to us through their governenments, world bank or IMF at very high interest rates
Hata wewe you bank your money huko Equity bank, but your brother has to borrow from Equity at high interest rates. It is how the system works. Kila mtu apambane na hali yake.
There are off-shore accounts and there are OFF-SHORE accounts. Trust me, most people who opt for OFF-SHORE accounts have hidden agendas. Their financial team will spin it and misinform, and lump in what they are doing with what other legitimate business men do. What else do you expect of criminals? Anyone who banks in a tax haven is at the very least avoiding taxes.
Peoplethen ask how comes the UK is so rich and Kenya is so poor? Do they print money?
No dumbass. Your leaders loot the cash and give it to England. England builds world class soccer stadiums and you send your African players to help them make even more money.
The British govt has more money than they know what to do with. The queen controls the commonwealth. She can borrow money from kenya’s barclays branch at zero interest.
How long ago was that though. Criminals no longer prefer Switzerland.
Just needed to clarify this as it is muddled up and is slightly misinforming. Most off-shore financial services are offered by Law Firms, it is these law firms that are based in the tax havens. Then these law firms have the major banks as clients. What really happens is that these banks help you set up off shore companies. What these companies do is to help you (LEGALLY if they are good at their work) avoid tax. The main reason these law firms are based in tax havens is simple. Secrecy, the whole system in those countries is geared to keep financial information secret. But as it has been proved time and again, the truth can’t be submerged forever. It likes to come above water to breathe from time to time.
And the Swiss confirmed this to you personally? Ah then i guess there’s nothing to worry about. I bet you believe in flying horses as well
So where is money and what is misleading?
Lakini wewe umeiba tu chenye kimesemwa huko juu na wengine.
The money ends up wherever the client wants. But generally countries that do not have a wealth tax, do not tax your worldwide income, and even better if they have no taxes at all. You can’t know where the clients want their money kept, but not many would choose the UK, I would offer my educated guess. For Konyagi and Mama Wolf, I would imagine they chose to set up a trust fund in a country that in addition to the above criteria does not have an inheritance tax. So definitely NOT the UK for them, which has one of the highest inheritance tax in the world.
If you want to buy properties then there’s an elaborate system in place where you set up a business in say Panama, that buys a company in Mauritius, that buys a company in Kenya, that buys you the property. In that way you can own 10,000 acres and none would be the wiser.
I worked in the FInancial Services Industry in a branch that dealt mainly with HNWI. Switzerland was cornered into having to change their laws to allow information exchange with other countries. No crook goes there anymore. LEGITIMATE HNWI individuals however still go to specific Swiss Cantons as these cantons have favourable laws for the Super rich where they tax you based on your Expenditure and not your income.
You still sound like a person who believes in horses that can fly The Swiss banks are the most corrupt human in the universe.
The U.S shouldve hiroshimad Switzerland years. Swiss banks are worse than Hitler. In fact they enabled Hitler when he hid gold confiscated from holocaust victims in Swiss bank accounts. They hide drug money, Rwanda genocide money etc.
At least I know super wealthy crooks are not as careless with their money as you. At least their advisors are not.
[SIZE=7] International automatic exchange of information in tax matters: Federal Council brings Act and Ordinance into force [/SIZE]
Bern, 11.11.2020 - During its meeting on 11 November 2020, the Federal Council approved the amended Ordinance on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (AEOIO) and decided to bring it into force with effect from 1 January 2021, together with the amendment to the Federal Act on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (AEOIA).
The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum) regularly assesses domestic implementation of the standard for the international automatic exchange of information in tax matters (AEOI standard). As part of the assessment procedure, the Global Forum has presented Switzerland with recommendations, which the country will in principle implement by the end of 2020.
Parliament had already approved the amendments to the AEIOA on 19 June 2020. These involve the repeal of the exemption clause for condominium associations and an adjustment of the applicable due diligence requirements. In addition, amounts will be stated in US dollars and a document retention obligation will be introduced for reporting Swiss financial institutions.
With its decision of 11 November 2020, the Federal Council is aligning the AEOIO with the amended AEOIA. The amendments to the AEOIA and AEOIO will enter into force on 1 January 2021.
Exchange of information with 75 countries on around 3.1 million financial accounts
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has exchanged information on financial accounts with 75 countries. The exchange took place within the framework of the global standard on the automatic exchange of information (AEOI).
Following the first exchange last year, in which no technical problems were encountered, this year the AEOI involved a total of 75 countries. With 63 of these countries, the exchange of information was reciprocal. In the case of 12 countries, Switzerland received information but did not provide any, either because those countries do not yet meet the international requirements on confidentiality and data security (Belize, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Montserrat, Romania, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Cyprus) or because they chose not to receive data (Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands).
Currently, around 7,500 reporting financial institutions (banks, trusts, insurers, etc.) are registered with the FTA. These institutions collected the data and transferred it to the FTA. The FTA sent information on around 3.1 million financial accounts to the partner states and received information on around 2.4 million from them. The largest exchange was with Germany (in both directions), as was the case in the previous year. The FTA cannot provide any information on the amount of financial assets.
Switzerland has committed itself to adopting the global standard for the international automatic exchange of information in tax matters. The legal basis for the implementation of the AEOI in Switzerland came into force on 1 January 2017.
Identification, account and financial information is exchanged, including name, address, state of residence and tax identification number, as well information concerning the reporting financial institution, account balance and capital income.
The exchanged information allows the cantonal tax authorities to verify whether taxpayers have correctly declared their financial accounts abroad in their tax returns.
Next year, Switzerland’s network of AEOI partner states will expand further, to around 90 countries. The OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum) reviews the implementation of the AEOI.