How to deactivate Kenyatalk

Someone please show me how to permanently delete this Kenyatalk account.

Bibi amejua handle yako? Just log out and stay as such

Deactivashen fee ni punch.

Same I also want to deactivate my acc

Mtu mzima na hauna self control. Kumbaff

Why would you go to such lengths? Just log out

Yeah ,
I know the feeling …
Oohh , how I wish someone would revive good , old MASHADA … :smiley:

utarudi kesho tu

Mashada was it bana :D:D

contact the admin or moderators

Weka Extreme Explicit Material (EEM)…
And leave the rest to the Hardmean…
You will be sent to someplace beyond Siberia…
You’ll find yourself in URANUS…

He will be here again with another handle. ktalk is like alcohol or smoking

Boss …
MASHADA was the bomb …
Those days were pure Fire …

I was really in my Element there …
Smart Fellows , good banter , excellent Booty …
The list goes on …

There are days in here when I just wonder … :D:D

@kush yule mnono ali declare amehama ktalk ameenda kwa wazee wajinga, tukamfanyia goodbye bash within six hour he was back and posting threads :D:D:D:D

Ala ? Alirudi after kupeana farewell speech ?

Stop spoiling my name. Haikuwa 6 hours, ilikuwa 4 weeks. Alaf how come I was not invited to that goodbye bash.

ungetumalizia biryani.

Mashada ni Guka wa Ktalk and Klist
Klost ya Wanderi ni @Baba Yao
…the genetic make-up is evident
Same way this kijiji and senate will give way to new vijijilets…

Siwezi lipa punch

Siwes chukua less than punch