Gentlemen (and I’m using the term loosely here), I have some tips fof you on how to control how fast you cum inside a woman. These tips are not from any reading but rather from personal experience. Ever wondered how it is that @Mworia Wameru lasts and lasts like Duracell batteries? Well, here is my leakage:

  1. Develop a masturbation routine that works. You cannot cum if there’s no cum in the first place.
  2. Learn to build your arousal threshold by watching porn. Learn to warch porn without cumming like a boy.
  3. Learn about your threshold for foreplay and do not exceed it lest you cum during foreplay.
  4. Learn to slow it down when you realise that you are approaching the point of no return. Control your thrusts to delay orgasm.
  5. Finally, try to drift your mind to the least sexual thing during fucking so as to manage your arousal. I, for example, just drift my mind to rugby as I fuck and that really does help me.

Now that you know, I’m really hoping that I don’t see those sorry stories of one minute men on Kilimani Mums concerning anyone who is a part of this God forsaken forum. I hope that now you guys will literally be ‘beating them pussies to sleep’ i.e. ‘chapa ilale’ meaning that you will be fucking them till they cum.

And now an image[ATTACH=full]176521[/ATTACH]

am trying to wonder how do you reduce your thrusts to delay your orgasm when fapping

In short una sema tu masturbate,nimekuonea mbali buda.

Where you been? so what about the ladies?

Do you cum?

Noogle eno:D…we discussed this elsewhere.

Neve ever. Hebu show me a pic of your pussy nione kama it has the ability to cum

You asked me if I squirt or come…clearly you have the memory of a gnat.

That is torturing animals.

Tuma picha wacha sideshows.


So kungurumisha nduthi is a form of exercise.

Leta link.

He asked me the question here and Luther laughed so I said come inbox. Iko kwa inbox so isaano.

Link iko kwa inbox yako ama ni picha?

Picha ndio iko inbox, unataka kuona picha ya coomer yake?

Kwani kuna siku alianika hapa?

Alinitumia inbox

Huyo hawezi fanya kitu kama hio.

uliomba ukanyimwo?