How to Be Rich

Ata mimi banae

Yes. We married. Soon after I parted with @T.Vercetti

Nyinyi tutawachoma:D:D

Bingwa is undergoing a very critical stage in his life. On top of being a 40 year old undergoing midlife crisis, he was recently heartbroken by a 21 year old single mother. While dealing with his heartbreak, he experimented with @Azor Ahai’ brown ass and now he’s gay. Shait

Clearly, I am your obsession… guess what, njoo huku nyuma nikupe another ‘O’ to keep you busy

Not interested. Just doing a case study for your future generation.

Let me burst your bubble: future generation ya mcoosh ni mavi

Who still does case studies like a semen dripping undergrad

I used to be a huge fan of maria sharapova until she came to shark tank and was sucking up to mccuban and alienating everyone else all the time there … why can’t women differentiate between mating/social environments and business environments, this is why they lose in business coz they make enemies (both male and female) very easily with this kind of behaviour

Thanos this is very gey of you

But it is brown or how was I supposed to describe it

How now do you start talking abiut a man’s ass?? Where did you even see it?? Thats what makes you gey

For you to comprehend what am talking about you have to imagine the same which makes you gay

Stupid backward ghassia, may your own bombs blow u up sirry. Mohha-mad fucked a young gel and married a sugarmummy. That’s the solution?better Jesus or Buddha the mgtow crew