How Ojinga and Loot.all Killed Millions of Kenyans

Year: 2009
Location: Parliament
Issue:Aflotixin Contaminated MAIZE import shipments

  1. KEBS Boss Eng. Dr. Kiboko Mangeli,
  2. Parliament Agriculture Committee Chairman Hon John Mututho
    1.Prime Minister Raila Odinga
    2.Agriculture Minister William Ruto

KEBS refuses shiploads of Aflotixin maize from SA and USA…shujaa Late KEBS Boss warns agriculture Parliament committee in 2009 that Aflotixin will directly lead to increases cancers today 2022…

Ojinga sucks KEBS Boss bila pension…tosses Parliament report after all MPs are paid off leaving Mututho to debate Ojinga and ODM solo…allows thousand of tonnes of Aflotixin into Kenya…M

MTRH study today shows direct link to increase in cervical cancer in Kenya…doubling every couple years…linked to HPV…linked to aflotixin

Wakenya sisi ni wajinga kabisa…nimekubali…to think ata Mimi nimekula hii Aflotoxin bana…tsk

Video: Long one…Aflotixin by Dennis Okari

Hii Ojinga imported thousands of containers of Aflotixin maize despite professionals saying no…Sasa wasee ni cancer too

They say is self hate lakini Negro is slightly above chimps upstairs.

The amount of scandals in Africa say it all yet NEGROES celebrate the theives.

The aliens or the gods that made us are also racist. Kunyimwa akili for no reason

Africans are low IQ bonobos. Stupid retarded people