Hawa akina Samidoh, Gatutura, Katombi na kina Wamama how much do they get per show hizi za daily club na hotel perfomances, not major concerts per say, hizi tu za bar. I’m looking to invite them ocha kwetu.
All of them?
At least 25k per night for regular or not so popular mugithi guys.
Budget on 50k-100k for akina Samidoh and Gatutura.
no, I’m asking for the average rates per individual artist, wenye wanajulikana
Show hizi za Bar? Wah but it must be that range
Unataka kutoa ngoma ya mugithi
Then you sell beer at 250/ and makali at double the prices.
You will recover.
Profit per ber bottle: 100/
Profit per mzinga: 1000
Sell 50 mzingas and 50 crates (1,250 bottles) and you are set.
Saa hio hujahesabu za nyama…
Huko kwenu mna bahati…kwetu kuna msee alileta a heavy weight local artiste during the launch of his ‘lounge’ na hakuweka entry fee this was just about when covid started…ma fans wakakuja kama wameshiba na wamelewa…walikuja tu kubanjuka…guy burnt his fingers big time…but ime pick up mosmos.
Actually food ndio Huingiza Doo Kama hujui
hapo sawa man
typical behavior ya machampe huko ocha :D:D:D
Tabia za vijana misoto akina @johntez addi gaza msafi anakuja club ameiva mangwai macho ziko nyanya. Ananunua chrom moja anashikilia hadi asubuhi joh huku akichana jaba na gomba.