Just out of curiosity but what are your opinions about how much income a 5 hectare farm in fertile land can or should generate annually. Because for years I have to put money in my pocket to subside the farm and I am thinking is it worth the hassle on my part.
Kama utapanda pilipili kali.You won’t make much.
If you don’t have time to work on it, panda miti n sell after +5 years.
Btw who is in this business of planting trees for sale? What are the margins, timelines and challenges
shamba iko na maji ama unategemea mvua? unalima nini ? juu 12 acres inafaa kuwa inajisustain
This is a goldmine, though it
requires hands-on
management. Think Piggery,
Dairy (cows and goats), High
value crop farming
(greenhouse), Mushroom.
Panda muguka. Nunua mshale after 1 year, andika watchman after 1.5 years. Nunua plombox after 2 years… ona @Purr_27 akuuzie safe after 2.5 years
here he will need also a reliable and large source of water
Initial capital outlay is big.
Mi ile kitu inanishinda ni delegation ukiandika mfanyi kazi anafanya only when you are around kama hauko yuko shughli zake alafu ukienda loss bado ana ngoja mshahara shindwe
Base calculation ni hivi. Every hactare ( one hactare= 2.5 acres approximately) should give you at least kshs 150 per day, 4500 per month, 54000 per year at minimum. A good target though should be about kshs 100 per acre per day return. Hactare wise that is kshs 250 per day, 7500 per month and 90000 per year. For your five hactares aim for kshs 37 500 per month and 450 000 per year. Hi ni ya ukulima kawa.
For trees bluegums for example. One hactare is 10 000 square metres or 100 by 100 metres. Assuming the trees are planted at standard 5 by 4 metres apart that is 500 trees per hactare and take 10 years to mature and are sold at minimum kshs 3000 each to Kenya Power, your returns should be kshs 1 500 000 per hactare after 10 years or 150 000 per year or 12 500 per month or 416 per day.
Ni hayo tu. EEOE.
Hapa sina ujuzi,labda niku-direct to a series called blue collar millionares…
Hutakosa ideas from it
Advice I always give people is to start small. You have all that but you can start with 1 hectare and increase and diversify as you gain more experience.
Tuko hapa. The only challenge is weather during transplanting period did mine on April 2007 alafu jua ikawaka vibaya out of 3k only 1k grew that is in ndaragwa but anyway its totally unpredictable and should not scare you
Positive side is every year you are assured of income in terms of pruned branches
so you planted in 2007? Again what is the size of land in which u planted the 3k trees
…so its now official this talker does safes:)
8 acres at random spacing
i would develop portion by portion, say 1 ha at a time, that way the capital and water requirements are not big/ are affordable. with good timing of horticultural crops you can make some good money
Wrong. Wrong. And yes, WRONG. If you have the right contacts, hiyo firifiri ina pesa poa.
It’s not that easy my friend, muguka is not just muguka… .utauziwa some ghasia seeldins hata mbuzi Ya Jirani haieezi tafuna… Plus maji na viwavi na panzi