I’m not entirely in the know about religion demographics in kenyans living in the west. What’s your religion? And to the Debby downers-don’t even bother with any negative talk-straight to my ignore list.
I’m just clocking in.
I am a traditionalist. The mzungus chose to call us animist. I don’ t know if that answer meets your standards.
Am a humble African, Jah He knows who I am
But you guys continue to give me attention for people who don’t give af. All blocked and ignored. Thanks for bumping up my thread
You’re bae
Jimco wanagsan inted jogta?
Heyyy. Jimco wanagsan. Canada jogaa. Somali ma tahay??
how can you talk to yourself. ktalk multihandlers dont do that, they like their own posts and abuse people
Haa, meshan maxad kasoradise daad walan un ba jogoo? Gabar Canada jogto baan raba
Hahahaha, idk wallahi. Nin oo Kenyan baa jecelahay loool. Btw my somali isnt too good. Adi maxa keenay meshan? Xage jogta adi?
this is my only account. Don’t involve yourself
jimco wanagsan abayo