How long can a human hold isht : A Read from Quora

A very British drama that unfolded during January this year.

A gentlemen by the name of Lamarr Chambers, was arrested by the police for what is believed to have been possessing drugs with the intent to supply. Knowing that he had been busted, the purported drugs were swallowed by the assailant in order to hide the evidence.

The Harlow and Essex police decided to take him into custody and refused to let him go until he had a bowel movement that could be checked, and thus prove whether or not he had swallowed the drugs and if it was enough to convict him.

Mr. Chambers told the police that he would not take a crap out of protest, to which they replied that he would not be leaving that police station until he had emptied his bowels.

…and so #poowatch and the #poogate began!


The British public, were on the edge of their (toilet) seats for days after learning that this gentleman had not had a movement in over 7 days. 7 days, I hear you cry? That is correct. Not a single nugget of defiance had left his body and the police were still determined to keep him in.

He refused to take any laxatives or be x-rayed and continued his silent, and somewhat excruciating protest in the police cells.


At around day 17, #poowatch was still on .

On day 19, Essex police tweeted;

Oh Harlow police, my sweet summer children, how little you know of the determination and will power of your fellow men!

By day 23, we were beginning to sweat and our bowels churned in sympathy for this poor bloke and his ever commited poo.

Day 30 rolled along and not a single square of loo roll was used and the police were still refusing to allow him to leave.

Each and every day that passed, a new news article would surface with the British public completely aghast that this gentleman had surpassed all reasonable expectation and was continuing to plug his asshole and keep his shit together (pun entirely intended), rather than surrender to the fuzz.

Mr. Chambers had a doctor checking him over constantly and his health was deemed to be fit enough to continue, if he so chose, and so #poowatch continued.

Eventually, after various news outlets updating every couple of days, it all came to an end on DAY 47! The police decided that they could no longer justify holding him in custody and had multiple detention extensions over the course of the period and that his health would suffer if he continued with this protest.

And thus, #poowatch was over and the gentleman went home and had what I can only assume was the best and longest crap of his life and hopefully managed to recover whatever was so precious to him that he risked his life for.

Moral of the story, eat more fibre.

Lamar Chambers
Source :


:smiley: ule jamaa wa kondele angeomba notes za hunger strike.

How !!! ouch !!

Huyu jamaa ni superstar

Those cops are too cruel.

Shit got real

Was he eating in all that period?
Did he finally shit after he was set free or his system had packed up?

[ATTACH=full]171569[/ATTACH]Bure kabisa. This is Mohammed Atta the Egyptian terrorist pilot who flew into one of the twin towers at almost 500 knots

His “magical” passport miraculously survived the fireballs of the WTC attacks that melted structural steel that was designed to withstand heat of 2000 degrees.

And a third tower miraculously fell down without being touched by any aircraft.

The BBC also reported “live” the collapse of WTC 7 30 minutes before it happened!

Truly September 11, 2001 was a day of miracles.

Hallelujah, amen.

In Kenya I think they’re force fed ugali

That’s because he left his bag behind as they boarded. It was of no use anymore and it became the first hint that terrorists had taken over the plane. The bag had other religious writings/ mujahedeen creed

They are forced to take uji

Exactly (almost) the same script in this movie


:D:D:D:D Uji lazima utakunia, na utakojoa