How Kenya can bring peace in Congo

Am listening to VOA and I hear there are like almost ten fighting groups in Congo.

Rwandan soldiers have been on many times been seen fighting alongside M23 rebels

It got me thinking.

Kagame and US funding M23 to destabilize Congo too loot resources, Kenya is then hurt by the influx of refugees.

Since Congo wameshindwa kijitawala, I propose that it’s time we got a piece of the action too. Tuingie huko tupore madini for Kenya.

The Congolese refugees here should get paramilitary and intelligence training then we send them back to fight the multiple militants except the government troops.

Best way to do it is trigger and reignite the Hutu and Tutsi hatred in Rwanda wapigane tena. That’s distraction enough for the Kenyan trained and backed refugees working with loyal Congolese government troops to get rid of M23 once and for all.

Kenya has been a dumping site ya refugee for so long na hio si poa.

na pokot cattle rustlers wametulemea sindio kalejinga @Tryz ?

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Hii ni kuattack jamii ya wakanesa

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Pokots in invest ya msee and well protected by the government.

Let me guess, wewe ni kikekuyu?

Congo will know peace the day Kivu becomes a country.

I sometimes think its the reason DRC was made a member of EAC.

A country called Kivu will happen with guarantees the new ruling regime will guarantee to control Hutu-Tutsi wars, mineral concessions to the powers that be.

The new regime will be born out of M23 just like how South sudan happened.

Its also the reason they can meet in Kenya.SPLM used to meet in Kenya.

Kivu here includes both the North Kivu and South Kivu but as usual some neighboring areas will be part of the new country called Kivu

DRC should be cut up into four countries. It’s too large to remain a stable unit.

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Where can I watch this cringe?

Kaongo should focus on sorting out his own mess here at home

Congo is a mess

  • shit leadership
  • shit neighbors
  • oppressed population
  • endemic backwardness , graft and tribal divisions.

What is needed there is a very tough , principled , nationalist and focused leader
( … a Nyerere , Magufuli or Kagame …)

Someone prepared for the long haul and willing to crack a few heads and shoot few backward elements

Definitely not one of those French speaking Ass Kissers daily parading to Paris and Brussels for "consultations" …!!

Due to its vast natural and human resource , a well managed Governance and Natural Resources Agenda can quickly transform that nation in about 2 decades

But it will take a lot of Blood , Sweat and Tears to achieve:roll_eyes:

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True. Congo is just too large to be one country

Toa ukabila hapa.


Yes. They need a leader.

I thought Tshisekedi could get the job done but he joined in looting.

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