How it went down this Ngiritaring,Nshiny, Nshimmering NYS mbusiness.

Kuiba galore. Why give NYS 23 billion. More money than Nairobi county! Kuna jambo hapa.

[SIZE=7]Revealed: Insider spills the beans on rot at NYS[/SIZE]
By Moses Michira
Published: May 29th 2018 at 21:44, Updated: May 29th 2018 at 21:44[I]National Youth Service (NYS) recruits during a past Passing-Out Parade.[/I] [File, Standard]
Too much money and huge loopholes have created an environment for grand corruption at the National Youth Service (NYS), a senior manager who has previously been questioned has said.

Bernard Masiga, the top finance officer at the Ministry of Youth and Gender Affairs, told The Standard that the only way the youth empowerment programme could be saved was by disbanding it.

In the two years he has managed cash for NYS, unpaid vouchers have multiplied and it is technically impossible to pick out forgeries.

ALSO READ: Police zero in on Sh468m NYS deals in first phase of probe

“It is hard to know which ones are legitimate,” Mr Masiga said, painting a hopeless picture of an agency that held so much promise but that was now the epitome of corruption and grand theft.

Masiga has previously been questioned by detectives about what he knew about the Sh9 billion procurement scandal that has so far claimed several top jobs – at least temporarily.

Following the questioning, Masiga unsuccessfully sought protection from arrest after the High Court turned down his plea alongside another suspect and supplier, James Thuita Nderitu, who owns Active Electrons Africa Ltd.

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Investigators questioned the finance officer on the vetting of payment vouchers before the ones ascertained as legitimate are settled, describing the questioning as procedural.

Thousands of such vouchers remain unpaid and are carried over as pending bills - some dating back more than five years - but are continuously altered by officials colluding with suppliers.

To illustrate the mess at NYS, Masiga said there were no records of the assets, making it nearly impossible to locate the equipment, including heavy construction machines.

ALSO READ: Banks linked to NYS scandal will face action

“We, for example, lost two trucks to some senior official immediately after they arrived in the country. They just vanished. It gets to be very stressful being here.”

It is not clear if the alleged theft of trucks would be among the charges brought against the senior official, who was also arrested yesterday.

Electronic procurement through the Integrated Financial Management Information System, previously thought as the perfect response to fraud, has instead become the agency’s Achilles heel.

In the current financial year, NYS has allocations in excess of Sh23 billion. And while a bigger budget should be good for anybody, it has become the curse of NYS thanks to disjointed operations that are at the mercy of politicians.

‘There are no records of assets.’ Basically if you have guts, omba uniform ya NYS, kisha kimbia pale ruaraka na master key ya basi. Choose one of those fancy green buses and drive out pole pole bila kujulikana. No one will ever find out. THERE ARE NO RECORDS!!

Technically, the Ngirita’s could’ve stolen anything between 300 million or even 3 billion. No one knows. No records. Sasa imagine akina KRA.

Jehova Ngai wa matuini, Truck mbili!!!



when will we start hanging corrupt public officials?

cant happen wont happen, they are our heroes. ata wewe if you had been in the same possition ungepola tu. its in our genes

The Auditor General must account for the mess in NYS, his office is the first to interrogate government records and they cannot afford to miss material matters such as inability of NYS to keep an asset register or to verify vouchers.

@Meria Mata umetoka quarantine kaama umeshika nare sana

The long rest was long overdue, i fell invigorated after Pseudomutheu did her thing.

NYS was designed to be a looters paradise, how do you increase the budget of an institution, from Ksh1.3 billion to Ksh23 billion, without increasing the capacity to handle such.
With NO RECORD OF ASSETS, a good lawyer can easily win these cases.

what is the function of this NYS . cant it be disbanded

Very true, a fraud on this magnitude should have been seen by the auditors, failing to report on such materiality is negligence. Secondly, an asset register should be available in NYS, how can 2 trucks just vanish just like that? Why the auditors didn’t reconcile the numbers purchased and delivered with the physical items is beyond me

NYS is a crucial institutions as far as nation building is concerned. It ought to be streamlined and not disbanded.

how long would it take the truck kings of Kenya (Buzeki, Metro, Multiple, Shangani, Anwaralis etc) to find out that a truck is missing from the fleet? Just a few hours.
This shows us that hii ya sirkal kupotea ni chain of people involved in the disapperance. ole wako upatikane wewe ndie uliuziwa

Did you say Nation building or NAtion looting? as far as I am concerned there is nothing beneficial that NYS does.

There are alot of youths passing through that institution, acquiring various skills.

NYS does a good job, their community service is unparalleled, I have had the pleasure of visiting the tana river, Meru, elgeyo marakwet, malili and turbo camps. The youths grade roads, sink boreholes and offer rescue, response in times of disasters, the fvckers at the headquarters are the ones fvcking things up

Have you ever seen anyone who was in government and retired without amassing wealth?
What do locals say about such a person?..
‘Huyo alitoka kwa serikali bila kitu’.

Robert Matano, Minister and kanu secretary general since independence, alitoka bila