How is this Not Illegal

A fee has been deducted from your account Acct:xxxxxxxxxx Amt:KES 240.00
Desc: Annual Debit Card Fee
Date:15-11-2021 12:00:39
Use Equity USSD on Any Telco.

Am just seeing this, Yani hawa wanaunda profits na ukora. Whyy did they just take my money?

I guess account maintenance fee.

Thats how they make profits. If they deduct that fee from 10M customers wanaunda 2.4 billion. Sure bet.

Ndio maana nilibakishia 120bob kwa account yangu ya equity… let me remove it nirushe bet kwa mhindi.

I foresee a situation where MPesa will also start charging a maintenance fee juu ya maringo na kiburi an their dominant market position

ulisioma terms and conditions when opening an account??

Cunt relate as a billion naire

annual debit card fee ya 240?
20 bob kwa mwezi?

less than shilingi moja kwa siku banae

Regardless, Equity remains the cheapest banker. Wengine kama co-op unakatwa 30bob every time you make routine transactions kama bank to mpesa transfer na kucheck balance. My bank of choice for online e-commerce purchases.


boss, haukusoma terms and kandishans?

Kama ni kidogo wanachukua kwa nini

watchman mugani unaweza lipa 20bob per month akuchungie pesa umeweka kwa mattress?

Hiyo ni kazi ya cbk kuwachunga wakiiba wanapigwa fine. That should be motivational enough

Mimi huenda bank Fridays kuona kama pesa yangu bado iko, hapana tumia card ama mobile banking.

Ata sitawahi chukua ingine. Alafu ikiexpire wakukate mia nane kupewa ingine. Na ni yao na ni wao wamexpirisha alafu tena wakutoea pesa. Too much

Is it just a fee for your operations? It is just a common practice I think. Nothing is free in our world and banking should also be paid. You can just switch to some other bank if you want, but I guess that the conditions will be the same. I think that e-wallets are free of charge, so you can take this option of keeping the money into consideration.

Unawatetea aje ni kama ni ya babako