How i Escaped "Monolisation".... ; The First 2 Terms...

(Long read warning )

The thing about being the second or third born Boy in a family of boys is that you are bound to be ignored or “forgotten” about!..

I fell victim to this on more occasions than i care to worry about from my childhood But i still think that i deserved better when it comes to being Circumcised immediately after finishing Class 8 just like my elder brothers had!

For some weird reason or the other,my father seemed too busy at that stage in my Developement towards Maturity and i think he was travelling to some distant destination Boundaries away on some Company funded excursion.
And upon his departure he left clear instructions that i wasn`t going to go through with my appointment with the “Circumcissor” until upon his return a few weeks Later!

His expedition abroad obviously turned out to be way longer than it was supposed to be so here i was in late January having being invited to a (what was then) a very Reputable National School not too far from Nairobi!

I was all ready and psyched up in full attire,Metal Juakali Box and all… Ready for a new life away from home!

But as i stood in line at the “Administration Block” at the front of a long cue of “Monos” just like me; i couldn`t help but feel abit scared Knowing that i was still Harbouring a deep secret between my Grey Khaki Shorts!

If the Reputation of this School in the early 90s was Really what it was;… then i was Nothing But a “Sitting Duck”
This school had a bad record for having Zero Tolerance for “ihiis” (uncircumcised boys)

But what was i to do when my dad had not given his “Blessing” until his return?

As i watched the Prefects and House Leaders help us from the Admin Block to the Dormitories as we got checked in, i knew that i didn`t stand a chance against this rather taller Huge looking members of Form Four!
( 18 year olds will always look bigger and intimidating to a 13/14 year old!)

Anyway; I had more than my size to worry about when the rest of the Housemates (Dorm-mates) joined us at 10 PM later that night and i could hear my heart beating in my mouth as a rather loud and obnoxious member of Form 2 introduced himself to me as my new “Bed-mate”!

He was on the lower deck (obviously)… and we shared a locker that was just beside the bed.

In my the Second Former was supposed to take me under his wing and be my “brother`s keeper” for the duration of my first year in this school!

(Well!:, that was the idea anyway!)…

My first impression of Mbugua was that he was an “ocha” boy who held strange and weird Kikuyu beliefs as Gospel Truth.
It`s not like i was going to confront Mbugus on his beliefs on circumcission etc, so my quick thinking Nairobbery experiences told me that i had to keep this Nigger on my side if i was to get through the First term as an uncircumcised “Mono”!

But what do you do to your visible Foreskin when you have to shower together in a communal shower- room with the likes of Mbugus and his friends everyday?..

I devised a plan from Day one!
I folded back the skin on my manhood and experience had taught me that if kept folded back at every waking moment of your life; your foreskin stays held back and to an unsuspecting eye, and in time,… it begins to look just like a Circumcised dick!

Nobody doubted my “folded foreskin” for the whole of the first term and why would they?:
Afterall,i was sharing showers with the biggest of the “Bully-boys”… Mbugus himself!

My dad was still not home from his tour when i came home for my April Holidays hoping to do the deed so i knew i would have anther Term Hiding Behind Mbugua the unsuspecting Bully-Boy who all along thought that i was a “Made Man” … just like him.!

That is the story of how i escaped Monolisation as an uncircumcised “Mono”!

Moral of the Story:

This World owes Nothing to “Victims”…; You Can Choose to Survive…Or You Will Definitely Die!..Its your choice!


Ehh you guy…iyo survival tactic ni Kali bana…two terms bila kukatwa heh?

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Nice lesson though

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A 100% true story as well… No word of a Lie!

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I went when I was in class 5, reason, my dad decided to do it mara moja and get it over with on all his sons


Yeah… Sometimes inabidi you do what you have to coz discovery in that type of situation is worse than death.

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@Ka-Buda waah unabahati coz in our high school ugejulikana wewe hujakatwa those dumb form fours wagekukataa…
umenikumbusha vile as a kid na vile nilikuwa mrefu nakojoa kitanda…and my small sibling hawakojoi…l used to stay awake hadi kitu 5am ndio nisikojoe kitanda lakini kufunga macho by 6am nisha nyora :smiley: one day l decided to funga my foreskin with a thread…nikalala wacha usiku ninyoree the penis imefura juu ya mkojo na thread iko tight ile uchungu niliskia never again…nika kubali na nilikuwa na kojoa na confident…aibu ni kuambiwa utandike matress nje ikauke…kuchekwa na your peers…

eventually ilikuja kuisha …in high school wale maboy walikuwa wanakojoa siwalikuwa wanadissiwa poor kids


And I am sure you the first kukatia madame

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The tip of your cock must have been the reddest and “freshest” looking they had ever seen. How did you explain that…ama no one ever brought up the subject?

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Reminds me. i also joined form 1 before the cut. I told my caretaker that i have undergone the cut. Jamaa must have suspected coz he asked me “uliwekwa ngwati ngapi” and I said four. Wacha jamaa ashout inviting all form fours to come and see a dick with 4 ngwatis.

To cut a long story, nilikataa shule for a whole year.


ki-jumla, eh?

@Ka-Buda i can relate…

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Was circumcised when I was a toddler.

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I never figured out the obsession that boys have/had with each others dicks… kids who hadn’t been circumcised (Finyu) were bullied and jeered at all the time. This Kikuyu kid who had to wait until he graduated in class eight decided to do it himself using a razor blade after the taunts go better of him. He didn’t fully manage it, so he ran home bleeding through his shorts… the good/bad thing is he got his circumcision.


aliiita kufanya kazi ya kuisha. Ulipeleka mtoi wako at what age?

boys in my neighbourhood have done worse things, including putting the milk of euphorbia trees (kariaria)…hujaona kamboo kamefura kakatoshana na ngumi na si kunyonji…


14, alipomaliza class 8…

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waah can imagine the agony…did you go back to the same school

No way i could have returned there.

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yani admission ililipwa tena…mimi nigekurudisha uko na tsho imeandikwa Nimekatwa B1tchez :smiley:


In my high school just after admission and you are handed over to the senior boys the gate pass to the dormitory was you display your dick to the onlooking niggas for approval there was no way ungehepa

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