(Long read warning )
The thing about being the second or third born Boy in a family of boys is that you are bound to be ignored or “forgotten” about!..
I fell victim to this on more occasions than i care to worry about from my childhood But i still think that i deserved better when it comes to being Circumcised immediately after finishing Class 8 just like my elder brothers had!
For some weird reason or the other,my father seemed too busy at that stage in my Developement towards Maturity and i think he was travelling to some distant destination Boundaries away on some Company funded excursion.
And upon his departure he left clear instructions that i wasn`t going to go through with my appointment with the “Circumcissor” until upon his return a few weeks Later!
His expedition abroad obviously turned out to be way longer than it was supposed to be so here i was in late January having being invited to a (what was then) a very Reputable National School not too far from Nairobi!
I was all ready and psyched up in full attire,Metal Juakali Box and all… Ready for a new life away from home!
But as i stood in line at the “Administration Block” at the front of a long cue of “Monos” just like me; i couldn`t help but feel abit scared Knowing that i was still Harbouring a deep secret between my Grey Khaki Shorts!
If the Reputation of this School in the early 90s was Really what it was;… then i was Nothing But a “Sitting Duck”
This school had a bad record for having Zero Tolerance for “ihiis” (uncircumcised boys)
But what was i to do when my dad had not given his “Blessing” until his return?
As i watched the Prefects and House Leaders help us from the Admin Block to the Dormitories as we got checked in, i knew that i didn`t stand a chance against this rather taller Huge looking members of Form Four!
( 18 year olds will always look bigger and intimidating to a 13/14 year old!)
Anyway; I had more than my size to worry about when the rest of the Housemates (Dorm-mates) joined us at 10 PM later that night and i could hear my heart beating in my mouth as a rather loud and obnoxious member of Form 2 introduced himself to me as my new “Bed-mate”!
He was on the lower deck (obviously)… and we shared a locker that was just beside the bed.
In my school.he.as the Second Former was supposed to take me under his wing and be my “brother`s keeper” for the duration of my first year in this school!
(Well!:, that was the idea anyway!)…
My first impression of Mbugua was that he was an “ocha” boy who held strange and weird Kikuyu beliefs as Gospel Truth.
It`s not like i was going to confront Mbugus on his beliefs on circumcission etc, so my quick thinking Nairobbery experiences told me that i had to keep this Nigger on my side if i was to get through the First term as an uncircumcised “Mono”!
But what do you do to your visible Foreskin when you have to shower together in a communal shower- room with the likes of Mbugus and his friends everyday?..
I devised a plan from Day one!
I folded back the skin on my manhood and experience had taught me that if kept folded back at every waking moment of your life; your foreskin stays held back and to an unsuspecting eye, and in time,… it begins to look just like a Circumcised dick!
Nobody doubted my “folded foreskin” for the whole of the first term and why would they?:
Afterall,i was sharing showers with the biggest of the “Bully-boys”… Mbugus himself!
My dad was still not home from his tour when i came home for my April Holidays hoping to do the deed so i knew i would have anther Term Hiding Behind Mbugua the unsuspecting Bully-Boy who all along thought that i was a “Made Man” … just like him.!
That is the story of how i escaped Monolisation as an uncircumcised “Mono”!
Moral of the Story:
This World owes Nothing to “Victims”…; You Can Choose to Survive…Or You Will Definitely Die!..Its your choice!