How hasla has been conning hustlers - wamesema wamechoka wanataka cash money

Wherever he goes he pretends to have donated 2m kwa watu ya boda boda and 2m kwa mama mboga and claims that the cash will be distributed by the local leadres and his logistics team. Kumbe yote ni uongo. No hustler has ever got a cent since it has all been a scam to dupe them. Now hustlers wamesema mambo ni cash money on the spot, wamechoka na the conmanship.

si wachague Rayile wapeagwe 6k every month na itaenda direct to their m-Pesa

Yer wicked! :smiley:

It’s better kuliko ya Ruto which will last for campaign time only. For Rayile ni for 10yrs…do your maths



You sound sarcastic…but this will happen. Take this to Kwift and get a loan from @uwesmake.

Ruto huenda church anagawa 1 million kwa bahasha… later on anatuma wasee wake wanaambia bishop lazima arusdishe 700k from that money ama wamfinye makagari… it always happens but the greedy and corrupt church fears the consequences of talking about it

That nigga’s middle name is Sarcasm if you didn’t know

Ingekua Isha leak

Jamaa has been giving out not less than a million in every stop over. Kama ni ukweli anapeana iyo pesa, then alipora kweli

hasoras tunaumia