How hard is it to prove that you have a degree Sakaja? It's either you have it or you don't

It is not hard. Sakaja does not have a degree. But in the general scheme of things, who came up with this lousy rule that one must have a degree in order to run for political office. Degrees have absolutely no relevance here

This should be one area where your appeal to the electorate is what matters. The minimum qualification should be that one attained basic education up to high school completion; and must be a certain minimum age (say 24). That way one can understand basic procedures while also having the maturity to handle the responsibilities that come with political representation.

At the moment, there are numerous other politicians that fail on this degree criterion, but have been cleared by IEBC to run

Kama hana awache sisi wasomi tumenyane kwa debe. @Motokubwa wewe uko safe na hio certicate ya NYS.

Follow the law. Ghasia.

What effing law do you suppose I am not following. People like you that throw the word “ghasia” as a means of making an argument generally have very small minds. Very small minds indeed!!!

It’s a requirement for a county governor in Kenya to have a degree. Nũgũ.

You must love monkeys and/or look like one. Normal people do not refer to others as monkeys. But since you dropped out of school and are washing dishes somewhere in Texas or Maryland, I would advise you to get someone to help you understand the gist of what I said. I will also summarize it in little bits for you to understand

a) The law requiring a degree to be a political leader is unfair in many ways. Education requirements should ideally be capped at completion of high school. This would particularly help people such as you
b) If the current law must be implemented, that should be done across the board. Why bar Sakaja while people like Sonko and Hoho have previously served as governors without degrees.
Now can you stick your finger in your mouth and suck at it while you gradually grow up

In most democracies that have a semblance of progression, law and order have leadership, especially that are lawyers or have higher education in various disciplines.

How else can you expect them to comprehend basic proposed laws when they are written and presented to them, as either Presidents or Governors, for assent or veto.

How the hell do you expect a high school graduate (an elected Governor) to comprehend complex debates in legalese when presented to them?

I really don’t know where you people get this idea that Sonko is not properly educated. For heavens sake, the nigger attended Kwale high school, which is an elite school at the coast. He may not have gone to uni straight after high school, but he did later attain what seems to be a genuine degree, and apparently a masters more recently. If you listen to any of the interviews he has given, you realize that he is almost an intellectual. These stereotypes that the deep state apparently perpetuates on people like Sonko are quite unfair.

Swansea: Here are the requirements for being governor in American states. None of them mentions any educational requirement
Qualifications for governor in each state - Ballotpedia

They have aides and competent legal advisors. The president has the AG as the legal advisor for the government

Okay, let me accept your posit that Sonko has a masters degree. The fact that he had such an erratic and dismal tenure is further evidence that there is no positive correlation between having a masters degree and being a successful governor


kwale high is not & has never been an elite school, it’s always been just a provincial school…