Toa Waiyaki Way kwa hio list ya uzito.Waiyaki way is full of disillusioned young men who drink and smoke weed all day,carjack cars and rob people at gun point as they wait for their fathers to die so that they can sell the family plots/ptoperty
its not perfect, but its not toxic as described in Eastlands, there are no prostitutes hanging all over, no clubs in residential houses,
not congested, so even if there are drunkards, they will be in their own homesteads, your kids are saved from toxicity,
there are large empty areas for kids to play in, fresh air, less people …no comparison
Was born and raised in Umoja long before Umoja 2,Umoja innercore,Umoja3 and Saika were constructed.We had neighbours from Romania,Korea,Wahindi kiasi.KBL used to house their senior staff in the hood.The estate was very clean,Nairobi City Council garbage truck (Kamero) used to pick trash twice a week.Guys used to play cricket on the tarmacked roads within the courts.All hell broke loose when the bungalows were sold to individuals and everyone remodelled the houses the way they wanted and it became a slum overnight.Pewa street also came up the moment the section of Umoja innercore near the market was completed and became heavily populated.The only major crimes after pewa street came were selling sex and pick pocketing.
Waiyaki Way on the other hand is crazy.Too many stories of guys renting very nice apartments but probability of coming back home and finding your house swept clean is very high.The mats operating the routes have too many stories of one man guitar thugs,lone gunmen who hijack a full mat man solo anywhere between Westlands and Wanyee and robs everyone clean before alighting after ordering the driver to slow down.Many have moved from the hood when ukingoja kufunguliwa gate as you come home from work,someone appears from nowhere with a gun and orderds you to hand in your phone and wallet.Wanakuzoea mpaka they start attacking you on 27th of every month when they know you have been paid.
I have lived in Waiyaki Way… There are some places you find your house cleaned…but very few… Security has improved.
Car jackings too but only very specific places… Opposite in Eastland where gun crimes are very common
I lived in Eastlands for 4 years. I tend to believe using the term Eastlands is too general but my experience of Eastlando was good. Infact, I think Eastlands is maligned without facts backing up the criticism.
Security-This was one of my biggest concern yet I never had even a single case. Actually, you’d not even feel scared to go home by mat at midnight! I must hasten to add though, that I have always opted to live not far from the road. But also, I’d do morning runs on Manyanja rd from 5am. Not even once was I attacked or almost attacked. I dare say Eastlands is much safer than most of other Nairobi metropolitan areas like Waiyaki Way.
Facilities- Eastlands has facilities(banks, supermarkets etc) within walking distance of each other. It’s a shame that govts have not given them as much attention on public schools & public hospitals so the private sector fills the gap
Water- I never lacked water even once when living there. My landlord had a borehole & gave us the water free. It was salty though.
Pollution & Congestion-This was the main reason I disliked the place. Every evening @ the former Doni roundabout someone would be lighting a huge fire that emitted thick black smoke. The Ngong river as you cross from Doni to Paipu had this strong sewer smell. I started thinking that was the smell of Eastlando soil coz most parts had that horrible smell. Then mat noises, beggars & market people noise…
Open fields- There was an open field in Tena Estate that we would go for tizi. Not many areas around the city have such. A plus. WHere in Waiyaki/Ruaka do they have open fields?
House designs- On average, worse than most other places with smaller rooms but cheaper rent
Kids- One of the biggest lies is if you bring up a kid there they will be thugs/rappers. This is just based on thinking that has not been upgraded with new facts since the 90s. In the 90s upto early 2000s, urban Nairobi for wananchi was mostly Eastlands. But now the urban blanket is covering us all over to Ruiru, Juja, ROnga, Kite. The Eastlands phenomenon of yesteryears will be in those areas going forward.
In conclusion, I think it’s an OK place minus the pollution.
Beautiful gated communities have come up hapo around greenspan,Savannah and Nyama Villa.What goes on in peoples minds when it comes to Eastlands is that why would i for example pay 45k for a massionette in greenspan when i can get a similar massionette at the same rent amount or less in Nyayo Embakasi or Southlands in Langata for example.One is able to enjoy all the things you have mentioned minus the nasty ‘eastlands’ smell and insecurity.
Hehe.Mimi nimeishi Mathare,nimeishi babadogo,nimeishi kayole,nimeishi Kileleshwa ,nimeishi Utawala ,nimeishi runda pia.In conclusion natambua life ya eastlands na pia natambua life ya mababi.Mavijana tulieni mjipeleke polepole na maisha.
Huyu ninja ako na point, lakini talkers wameamua kuwa emotional na kufocus on trivialities. The not so evident ‘madharau’ aspect can’t override the message being put across there
Was born and raised in Uhuru estate. Used to frequent Jericho/Jerusalem/Harambee Estates. Up to now I admire the setups which are well controlled by Kanjo interms of development, water (no need for tank storage) and cleanliness. Unemployed youths hv also contributed alot in managing the environment. Donholm upande ya phase8 ishakuwa paipu bana due to uncontrolled development.
Umoja na Buru are going the paipu way the later being very gradual.
Pipeline is a no no for kids but naweza ishi kiubachelor huko yet nacollect rent Doni. PauperInMyBlood