How do you ladies deal with semen after vaginal sex?

So, am pounding this 50 something lady(Dont judge about her age…am saving her for brighter days. days when she will be toothless and world best bj will come into play…yeah…that future), and like any normal dry fry i cum deep inside . …i saay waaay deep…she is satisfied am contented, she lays on my chest massaging some 2years of chest work, no cuddle shit. Then after sex chit chat comes up…

" byro umemwaga yogurt, i feel like you just made my cervix full with thick spit", am like “come on princess(makes her feel younger and beautiful), was just half of the village threshold” she was like, “what village?unataka kuniambia ocha kwenu wanamwaga kama…?” i wont give every corner of the chat, si mnajua i have reputation kwa hizi streets za ktalk.

Anyway, finally after praising my kinsmen, akaamka kwenda shower , she says, “hizi zitaanza kudrip kesho mchana” I was like, mother of pussy, how are you ladies made/built? what the…? so, apart from spending the whole day with pads during monthly periods, it also happens each day after morning glory?? @Female Perspective wadeal aje na hii?


Is it the cold or your account has been hacked?

Nauliseko,yake ni ipi?[ATTACH=full]102704[/ATTACH]

neither… iyo sahani probably

Si ungemuuliza?

You never cease to amaze me.
:eek: siwewe is the same guy who said baada ya sex you tell the woman to bend over na akunyambie kwa uso as you ngurumisha nduthi to threshold?ama ilikuwa @Father Figure ? Graveyard man @Ice_Cube I need your services.
Thanks ice cube for link



he he hee, so hujafikisha threshold

** edit, chunga usingoe wagacuwe dentures**

Mbona unatuenjoy na tunajua @junkie alikuradicalise huko manyu… wewe itabidi uvae pampers…

haha ni yeye Panty sniffer culture graduates from sniffing panties - General - Kenya Talk


:D:D:DThe things i read in this village

Eeeh, kumbe watu walikuwa wanawekelea jirani na kuna yule anaperform grannylingus willingly and lovingly?

Nimewachia hapo. Yaani watu wanaenda kuwinda blankets n wine, wewe unaenda mkutano ya Women’s Guild.

Purr_50_something kuja jibu mashtaka

hahahaha pia kuna hii hapa lakini sio yeye

Kenyans mimicking Western Sexual traits - Sex & Relationships - Kenya Talk

Your coitus vibe must a thing to behold, “Yeah…You like that…harder… who is your grandchild?”

Umetumalisa :D:D:D:D

I think most go to pee (from limited experience hehe)

@byro you must be older that I could imagine