I have a lunatic of a neighbour who plays extremely loud music na ni mbaba mzima in his early 40’s. Every neighbour has complained about it to the caretaker. When we knock at the loud neighbour’s door he never opens. Anajua everyone is on his case.
How can you handle such a psycho? He puts on loud music even at midnight. So annoying. Location Jamuhuri.
Kata cable ya tokens
zima stima ya nyumba
Zima stima at the main switch
kanyanga kubwa kubwa uhame. If as you say he is a pycho, utaenda hapo kiherhere udungwe visu alafu uzikwe lang’ata kama mwendwazimu. Leave the fucker alone, you might think you and the neighbors are family but when tragedy strikes, mabill za hospitali utalipa peke yako
hama ama ununue shamba yako ujenge,rentals will never give anyone peace, different characters daily,they said familiarity breeds contempt
Hire a concert grade sub woofer system si dawa ya moto ni moto
Alafu mimi ndio nitafukuzwa yeye abaki
Wewe huwa huezi solve any problem around u, kila das unaletea Kijiji story zingine very lame and juvenile,
Kata stima ya fala
Sasa umekasirika nikupee ndoo ulie
Watu lazima waongee tu… Some time ago, nilikuwa naishi rentals flani outskirts na tao, I wasn’t talking unless uniongeleshe … Siombi kitu, I had everything reserved for me,… na ukiniomba sikunyimi lakini nikikupea najua inaeza kosa kurudi so napiga hesabu ya loss tiyari and i go purchase ingine… Kwangu sikuwahi nunua bulb. .sikuwahi sumbua watu na kelele… I cleared rent on time … ungenitafutia makosa ungechoka tu…no bulb Just the lights kutoka kwa screens zangu na flashlight…
Believe you me watu wa plot waninichukia 24/7
They hated you for no reason?
Exactly… But in their case watatafuta reason tu… I heard wakisema mimi ni mchawi eti sijai nunua bulb … so much bs
Threaten the landlord that utahama and that you have already insighted every one else to do so, mumuachie building na huyo tenant wake mmoja wa makelele
Kwani ni wapi huko?  iza man
Tumia @johntez addi gaza msafi location akufanyie Ile kitu
Fanya hima gura hiyo ploti.Huyo noisy neighbor labda ni kijana ya landlord.
Aki so true that happened to me infact one neighbor told me ati ubaya yangu siongei na watu.Im like hatujuani and I dont need more friends.
Kwani yeye ni MGTOW…Someone in early 40s ought to be having a family wenye watafanya asiweke loud music.
encourage him to get married