I have been checking some random coins in binance and what I have observed is that; their price is flat in the chart and then it skyrocket. How can I find these coins before It starts to pump?
By investing 10,000 hours of your time learning and practicing how to trade professionally.
That’s obviously not the answer you and 999 other ktalkers like to read because it involves hard work and commitment
How do you perform brain surgery on a patient? A decade in medical school and practice.
There are no free lunches in this world kid. Jasho lazima utatoa.
Any websites or telegram channels that can help?
Pia a lot of coins are not found in binance, which other website can you trade coins in kenya?
Though with these coins kuna trick…
Trick ni masomo. 10,000 hours of studying.
That is a nice way to lose money to scammers who can’t even trade themselves.
Ingia youtube uanze masomo. Also, jua youtube and most books will only teach you the basics of trading. You can’t make money from that knowledge but it is critical to have (Kelly Criterion, Risk Management, Position Sizing, Correlations, Probabilities, etc).
Eventually you will have to learn from experience that final layer of discretion that enables you to make money (professional level).
Ndivyo uunde pesa you need to reach professional level. Youtube videos, books, etc will get you to the advanced level. Kuingia professional you will need experience and using that experience you will design a trading system that makes more money than it loses.
To get you started, watch these videos from Adam Khoo uelewe how trading works in general. Huko kwingine ujitume. I think he does a very good job at explaining how trading works in general.
Boolcrap! Do you know anything about pump and dump ama ni mdomo unarusha kila mahali ukisema about 10,000hrs, professionally, etc. Bloody mofo
Thanks for the advice mkuu.
Let say nikona 100k and i want to invest all into crypto for long term holdings like one year. What are the best coins that fit this bill?
Idiots like you argue without providing substance. Pump and dump schemes exist but chances are you and 99 other idiots will be the ones being dumped on. I’m talking about professional trading here not pump and dump schemes.
I can’t tell you that because I am not a crypto investor. I am a trader and there is a huge difference between a trading and investing.
Basi jibu swali vile imekuja bila kurukia your virtual professionalism crap. OP amesema random coins, na mtu crypto damu anajua 98% ni shyet coins lakini juu wewe ukiskia crypto your small brain automatically ticks to hio upuzi hua unatype. Kojoa ukalale kumekua usiku
Who are you by the way?? Jitambulishe
You are just another ki.pii on the internet dreaming of becoming a trillionaire tomorrow through crypto.
After what happened a few months ago, I don’t think now is the right time to crypto.
One thing I have learned is don’t buy when everybody else is jumping on the train. Especially if you see Bitcoin and Ethereum trending on social media because the value is going to the moon, just know something is about to go down.
Most of the guys who are making good money right now bought crypto during the bear run a few months ago.
Hehee, mbona nijitambulishe kwa mtu dikhead kaa wewe
Hii site iko vipi? Is it genuine?
This is actually good because it helps the professionals to cash out and leave suckers holding the bags. Rinse and repeat.
Sio mbaya, but siku izi tuko binance
I will tell you where to invest. ignore that Ahai, If I followed his writing I would have never plunged. Shiba still has potential. Buy safemoon , matic and take some time to follow reddit and twitter groups that bet on the next coin to skyrocket. Plan is to spread your risk. you can put 5-10k in each coin and wait for that one year as long as you are not greedy. if you invest well in 10 coins, I can assure you at least one will chomoka na omoka you. I have done it. And for those that didnt move up, I still did not loose a lot since their price swings are not as massive as bitcoin. One thing you need to remember is that you will incur massive gas costs sicne majority of these meme/shitcoins cannot be bought directly from most exchanges and you will need to swap them through either uniswap or pancakeswap. It is not hat hard, it is something you can learn in 15 minute. So spare an extra 50k that will go into the swapping fees. Good luck
Read; Wired Magazine . The best tech magazine, you get to read about what will happen 5-10 years before raia.
Reddit and Twitter is the worst place to get trading advice from.
Remember Dogecoin? All of Reddit and Twitter was singing Dogecoin to the moon?
People who bought high in May still haven’t recovered the money they lost.