Hey y’all hoping you’re having a productive monday anyway some pussio called @Sambamba said he’s blocked me and i want to block him back like get a taste of your own medicine bitch.so how do I blovk him do i have to ask the administrator or something cause I don’t see the option?
as always lets be kind to one another guys if you have nothing nice to say just keep quiet no need to bully anyone take care guys.
unasumbua sasa. kojoa ulale
@Tauren enda utibiwe macho ghasia
If pettiness was a person.
Uwesmakende unasumbua
We do nat gif 'e damn
Why do y’all keep on referring to me as Toren?another user called @Tauren called me a bitch in my other post he needs to watch his mouth my husband saw that comment and he was not amused.
Am not being petty just wanna give that teenager a taste of his own medicine…
no need to be rude just comment elsewhere if your annoyed by something no need to be uncouth
You’re either new or inactive here.
You think people on Kenya talk are nice?:D:D
then why comment if you have nothing nice to say its not good to hurt peoples feelings youd rather just keep quiet and go your way
@Tauren punguza ujinga , nilikublock kwa hio handle ingine. but yafaa utombwe mkundu utulie
Siwezimind nipige magoti nyuma yako. Nitoe ngotha. Nipanue cheeks. Nilambe. Siwezi lipa more than 150
my husband saw your earlier rude comments he managed to track you down he says you always wear a lab coat at your workplace he will visit you if you dont apologize.
please be careful what you comment my hubby is seeing all your replies he is deep state if you have nothing useful to say just be quiet.
@Mrs. Chantel if you are a genuine n new handle, then you’ll need to adapt. Otherwise this is a village of MGTOW, Bonobos, low IQ wankers and mad pple. But you sound like a veteran in disguise
hi thanks for the advise i agree lots of uncouth pple here
It’s called KenyaTALK, not KenyaSilence. Ghaseer