How different tribes react when their tribal kings are adversely mentioned

If you call Ûhuru a drunkard, a Kikuyu will just laugh it off.
If you call William Ruto a land grabber, a Kalenjin will just try to convince you that he makes 250 million daily from kuku business.
If you call Kalonzo a watermelon, a mkamba will tell you that that is their leader and he doesn’t care about your opinion.
If you dare criticize Raila in front of a Luo, you can be beaten up, stoned to death or kicked fatally.
Some people may rise to power but their rule will be full of bloodshed due to psycophants who literally worship them

They must have really kicked your head "fatally’

Wajakoya for president

The head died:D:D:D:D:D

They recently beat up Maina Wanjigi despite him sponsoring the granny in the last two erections


Legalize bangi

We are yet to create kenyans. Thus we still worship our tribal chiefs :smiley:

Kijana ya Berba ndio kuland.

How many kikuyus were killed by Railas people? Chief you are becoming too tribal, itina rīrī.

Di you mean ‘itinerary’?

Ni siasa ya kifua. I believe their arrogance clouds their judgement. Huku local washasema baba ashashinda. Wanamgojea 6k :D:D:D:D:D. From what I observed, most of his supporters will take badly Baba’s defeat.

Watarusha mawe but finally come to terms with the defeat

Bado kura hatupei mwisi nani.

Old Monk mlitupa Patco shimo gani?

uliza turdmin

Patco alisema wewe ndio mwenye kijiji

Ako mariana trench siberia. Parole ni siku ya judgement day.

Wamwachilie tafadhali

Umeffi thread