How can I get a licensed firearm

Wadau, I need someone to furnish me with steps, procedures and requiremnts for me to own a firearm licensed ofcourse in this Kenya.
I have read somewhere that even schizophrenics own them!


Contact your OCS.

I’m still hangovered on this…
@pamba haka sio mchezo

I don’t trust cops. that’s why I need a piece for myself.

Are you well?

Of course I am but due to my success I tend to attract muggers and armed robbers. I am tired. The next batch that comes my way I need to be prepared. Siendi kujaza OB tena…

You have been correctly advised to see your OCS, that’s where the process starts from. Legal procedure

With such a mindset, I don’t see you owning one anytime soon. Legally of course.

Change your handle to [COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]@Retarded Virgin

Doesn’t matter. Process starts there.

For a plan B (illegal one),inbox @pamba


You are being told those same cops you don’t trust are the ones to vet you and either give you a firearm licence or deny you but seems you are such an idiot to understand.


Exactly ! Tell that to the OCS

I’d have picked a fight for you calling me an idiot but I a better man

Usiende kwa ocs… Enda kwa cid kiambu that way it’s cheaper and quicker compared na kuanza huko chini juu eventually ocs atakutuma huko.

Thank you finally some headway…productive input.

Naskia I’ll have to decalre my wealth waone kama natosha mboga to get the firearm ama ni kujigamba but I prefer to hide my wealth… spendi watu kujua am doing well. watakuja kuomba omba

That’s a must, you are declaring wealth to the authorities not the public, so that wajue hauendi kupiga watu. Another thing is that you must be of sound mind, a mental assessment. Also by declaring your wealth you must be in compliance with the tax man.

Believe me, whatever you own, others own more. Unless your wealth is illegal, you need to declare.

What of illegally how does someone acquire one for protection ofcourse