How are things outside there?

Yenyewe biashara sahi ni noma. My superagent just decided kufunga line ya mpesa yangu eti simpei commisison ya kutosha, nashindwa sasa nitoe customers kwa nyumba. Other hustles are just struggling to maintain operations. How are things outside there kwa wenye biashara ndogondogo? Money is not flowing aisee huku classified loceshen.

Kwani mpesa mtu huwekewa target? Lakini you’re right, since election period biz sio poa, I once put up a thread about it. I know so many businesses that have shut down. Kama sisi mabachelor tunaifeel, nashindwa watu wana familia na wanasomesha watoto wanasurvive aje.

Uliwacha bibi?

Yeah the superagent monitors your performance over a period if haipendezi anafunga line. Such a shitty business mpesa is i don’t think i will ever do it again.

Mimi sijawahi oa. I plan on being a senior bachelor, sitaki stress mingi. Lakini you never know, nikipatana na totoise iamue kunifunga pingu za maisha then pia ni sawa.

Iza nime confuse na @Captain284

They normally do this if you fail to mantain a float of ksh20,000, if your float dips below that wanafunga line.

Mi wafanyikazi wangu wananinyongea pesa na bado kazi si poa sana

Business is tough I closed doors on my business in March and found employment elswhere after almost 5 months without profit

Pole lakini jua vile utaifungua tena you are losing on the experience and creating a faithful customer base and creating your shock absorbers

leta hekaya omwami

I am hustling hard brotha the biz had employed several guys not the best thing wakiamkia wanapata doors closed @Mine_rva Hio itakuwa business section hii haifiki ktalk hekaya minimum threshold

Izza mblo.

Yaani happened so fast ata haigwes fika hekaya:D:D:D

Look for another Super agent. Line ni nyingi, there are some who don’t mind even getting 1k as commission unless your float was always low as they also get pressure+ulcers from Samavicon.