Been able to watch the video to the end.I wish them well.These mama looks like a rural to urban migration mama mwenye amekuja aka chanuka Nairobi.You can tell that from the fake accent she is trying to force and the deep love of make up.Infact,malaya wa mtwapa na diani wamependa hio accent ndio wa attract wazungu tourists.I wont be surprised to find out that she was a roadstar at some point in your life.If you hang out at Kengeles Lavington ama Jays in Westlands you will meet several rural urban migration mamas like her on the prowl for ngozi nyeupe.
The jamaa is ex military,typically these peeps are very disciplined and go for what they want.They love bomb pussy and i wont be surprised if its the bomb pussy thats keeping the marriage together.Their age gap is 18years for Chrissake!!
He sounds kukaliwa though.Looks like they rehearsed the script before they recorded the show.This is because its like everytime he talks,he has to look at the mama and the mama has to kinda nod to show him he is sticking to the script.Like most tv shows,they are showing us the bright side of their life.The under currents that come with with blended families is usually enormus.Now add a slay queen step mum who loves the good life and you have a tsunami size undercurrent.
Kudos to them for adopting and bringing up a South Sudanese boy in addition to their kids.They brought him up so well that he passed his exams well and got a scholarship to Havard.Hapo Mungu awabariki sana sana.In case this mama was in the picture.then kudos to her,but i doubt.Kikuyu yelloyello slayqueens hate Jarruos and South Sudanese like plague.
:D:D first born ni msichana na second ni kijana and we are all doing well. I will be 28 years old next year so i wont advice anyone my senior. My family appreciates your concerns bro.
The kid will never consider you as his dad and you will never have the authority to discipline him in the household. The single mum atasema you’re being mean to Jayden.
But if you are a beta enough to marry this singo matha, adopt the kid and raise the alpha male’s child.
Ni kama aliambiwa na singo matha aache kuingia ktalk because it’s “toxic” and a “threat to their happy union.” Lakini leo amepewa ruhusa aingie areply alafu a log out very fast:D:D:D