Mtu anishw horror movies scariest nijishtue nazo leo. Doesnt have to be latest. And while at it, there s this movie, lead character was cursed, kila place akienda anafuatwa na mandege. Cant remeber the title. Senk yu.
Ni movie series… Iko 4 sahii
Saw si horror. Nothing scary about watching someone cut off their arm. Halafu ziko more than four. Eight.
gani ni scary basi? kama drag me to hell
Chicks with dicks 12
is everything a joke to you??
cult of chucky
The devils rejects
Isn’t horror a sick joke?
It comes at night
Crooked house
The ring
Blackenstein ,Blackula<<——:D:D:D:Dblack horrors from the 70s .Kama unapenda classic weird shit
2 girls 1 cup
the exorcism of Emily rose.
Paranormal activities 1 &2
Jaribu a quiet place hio movie ni poa, unfortunately siku hizi hakuna horror movie mingi name kitambo. Pia kuna IT, lights out, Saw
The conjuring
Husk (hii niliwatch kidogo nichoree kuingia shamba za mei)
The exorcist
Try conjuring 2
The mirror
Try evil dead.
Never been that frightened[ATTACH=full]168388[/ATTACH]