What began as a night of merry making with a happy ending in sight, turned out to be the man’s worst nightmare of his lifetime. This is after he found himself in hospital the following evening fighting for his life, after taking an overdose of what is believed to have been a stupefying substance.
Before the unfortunate incident, the man together with a male friend were enjoying their drinks at the popular joint, when all of a sudden two light skinned ladies stepped into the bar. The men beckoned them to join their table but the beauties were hesitant and appeared not interested in their vibe. However, after some…[B]READ MORE[/B]
ndio nimemaliza kutomba mama ya @Agwambo kuma chafu riddled with ukimwi nimetumia condom , but nimemplipa 50 bob aende anunue maji ya kuosha kuma yenye alikunia agwambo then 20 bob anunulie @Agwambo supper.meanwhile baba ya @Agwambo anatombwa mkundu na @kanguthu
A woman who stole over Sh1 million from a reveller who had invited her for a drink at a local joint in Embakasi, was last evening arrested by serious crimes detectives and placed behind bars.
What began as a night of merry making with a happy ending in sight, turned out to be the man’s worst nightmare of his lifetime. This is after he found himself in hospital the following evening fighting for his life, after taking an overdose of what is believed to have been a stupefying substance.
Before the unfortunate incident, the man together with a male friend were enjoying their drinks at the popular joint, when all of a sudden two light skinned ladies stepped into the bar. The men beckoned them to join their table but the beauties were hesitant and appeared not interested in their vibe. However, after some few minutes they changed their minds, much to the delight of the two men and joined their table.
What followed was a binge party as the four imbibed drinks up-to 4am, when they staggered to a room at Rysta’s guest house.
However, once in the room the victim’s colleague developed cold feet and staggered home, leaving his friend in the company of the two ladies.
From there henceforth, all the man could recollect was being given some pieces of chicken by the two ladies, before he passed out and found himself at a city hospital, with doctors fighting to save his life.
He later learnt that the ladies had taken off with his mobile phone, ATM and identity card. To further exacerbate his woes, he discovered that over Sh1 Million had been withdrawn from his mobile and bank accounts!
Upon recovery, the suspect walked to our headquarters and appealed to serious crimes detectives, to launch a manhunt for the two ladies, who almost killed him with an overdose of a stupefying substance.
Backed up by cybercrime detectives, the sleuths profiled one of the suspects identified as Virginia Wangui Thiga, 30, and pounced on her last evening in Kasarani, Nairobi county.
The suspect shall be arraigned in court today to answer to charges of stealing contrary to section 268 as read with section 275 of the penal code.
Jamaa wetu aliwekewa dawa pale Uhuru Park 2013 he woke up in hospital after 3 days akiwekwa drip, he was taken to hospital by well wishers naked, dirty and confused. We laugh at these things but they are serious.
How many times do we say this. Never drink or sleep with strangers. Drain your balls and leave! I know a friend who lost over 300k in a similar saga. They took all his MPESA,.borrowed money from all online Shylock’s, cleaned his house, borrowed money from his contacts. Akajipata asubuhi akimwaga mate Kwa floor.