Hookers for Hillary

A group of Nevada sex workers calling themselves Hookers 4 Hillary is trying to arouse interest for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.The group includes 490 workers at various legal brothels, including the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and Kit Kat Guest Ranch near Carson City, the Love Ranch Las Vegas and the Alien Cathouse, a space-themed brothel near Area 51. They’re backing Clinton because they believe she is the presidential candidate most likely to protect Obamacare from being repealed, according to member Ivy Mae.



kitty kat

the one holding H:)

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The one with the Y

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The Cheerleader effect


H aki ya nani

ya "h"ookers ama "H"illary ???

nakaa kama mtu wa blondes?

So are you wanking to the “H” or the blondes behind the letters

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to neither…

the one seating while holding letter h one the far left in the first picture…

y’all not seeing one holding I?

I think Hilary’s husband will approve this.


R in Hilary si mmbaya sana

The one holding A .