Hooker caught sleeping with a 14 year old minor

A commercial sex worker changed her mind, after initially pleading guilty to receiving Sh150 from a 14-year-old for sex, when the court asked whether she understood the consequences of pleading guilty to the charge.

Loise Anido said she had pleaded guilty under duress and quickly asked the court to enter a plea of not guilty.

Under section 8(3) of the Sexual Offences Act, a person found guilty of committing an offence of defilement with a child between the age of 12 and 15 is liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for a term of not less than 20 years.

The court heard that Ms Anido was arrested in a guest house on April 15, 2018 at Sichirayi estate, Lurambi sub-county with the class seven pupil.

According to the prosecution the accused was allegedly given Sh150 by the minor as payment for the ‘services’ before she walked him to the lodging.

“The two were arrested after a prison warder who was in the vicinity saw them enter the guest house. The warder alerted his colleagues who came, apprehended the two and took them to police for investigations,” read the charge particulars.

In an alternative charge, Anido is accused of committing an indecent act with a minor by “caressing his genitalia.”

Anido denied the charges before Kakamega Resident Magistrate.

Courtesy of @Crazy Monday

Huyo boy ameanza mapema. Open schools

hapo Lurambi nimetomba madem wa MMUST wengi sanaaa

14 ni mapema?

Shule zifunguliwe mapema


Mapema? 14 Years? Some of us hit the ground running at 13

Read the partner. Inafaa awe anatoboa shimo ndogo ndogo

With a whore, ukalipa?

purchasing Coomer at 14? that breeds theft to sustain the supply, its like drugs

14years Ni time ya palmela

statutory rape mjamaa. mtu ako under hata akikubali wachana naye, Kesi yako might land on desk ya Feminazi Judge na utakipata. Even if you appeal like the Kilifi Guy you would still have wasted lots of time kwa rumande

hio ni yako tutaendelea kukamua

Wengine wetu hapa lazima tunyamaze kimya tu kabisa manake tukifungulia itakuwa aibu kubwa sana kijijini.

Pocket money

anko dem wangu hauwes kamua hata kama uko na Audi RS7. Ako loyal kushinda sheppart wa @introvert

@uwesmake Reborn

Unaita sheppart wa nani?[ATTACH=full]167525[/ATTACH]

umbwa nyeusi ni za saitan tuu

Munchy anaweza nyandua haka ka midget meno zitokeee

ile 4wd bako iko nikujie?