Holy shit, disband Nigeria ..Many dead after explosion rocks a catholic church. 'Ngori' videos

Over 50 feared dead after gunmen attacked a catholic church in South western Nigeria

It’s time for Christian militancy we must raise against the saracen heathens. Deus vult our only hope is othordox church because it hasn’t been cucked.

The yoruba and igbo elite should be training militias. The end of nigeria and fulani hegemony is inevitable. It will be bloody.

Ni kama Twitter have nuked the videos. Seen them circulating on Whatsapp…
Warning :they are ngori

@Stormtrooper98 when it comes to such decisive moments like this, I stand with my Christian brothers.

The problem of nigeria is not muslims problem but fulani. Once they’re dealt with and nigeria divided, no such problems will occur again.

Damn…u know a light bulb moment must have gone among the Al Saitans after the mass shootings in the US

Time is ripe for Biafra state. Maoga maumbwa should be kicked out in kenya. They go fight for their freedom. The freedom we have here we fought for it.

Northern Nigeria is full of Fulani who are 99% Muslims.

Northern Nigeria isn’t homogeneous. Besides the majority Hausa and fulani, there are other many tribes who’re majority christian. The south elite should be building relations with the tribes in middle belt region and in the north region against hausa and fulanis. It will be bloody, but it will be worth the price.

We should mobilise Kenyan ibgo immigrants to fight against the fulani, yoruba and secede

Would the South Elite listen? We wait

This is what Islam stands for.

Quran 2:190 Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.
2:191 And kill them wherever you find them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
2:192 And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
2:193 Fight them until there is no more fitnah and until worship is for Allah. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.

There is no country here buana

This Muhammad was a Nut Case… this was him giving his army an agenda since he had an axe to grind with individuals who dint believe that he had inspiration from angels while in the cave.

Our forces may be corrupt but I’m glad they are ruthless with terrorists. Siku hizi even the convicts don’t want to leave jail when their sentences are up. They know NIS and ATPU will take them for a swim in river Yala.

This is an acceptable death toll by shithole Nigeria’s standards. It’s quite normal for 100 people to die in a single incident without anyone batting an eye. Those southern Christians only excel at making noise all over Africa but can’t confront those Muslims who give them regular whippings. Washienzi sana.

Siet, truly religion is dangerous nonsense.

Another problem is that the Fulani dominate Nigerian security forces much like the Kalenjin did in Kenya during Moi’s rule.

I will ask what @Jimjones doesn’t want to ask; where was God as Satan was doing his work?