Habari ya Siberia mware:D
Older women are insecure. Kila time ukiongelesha dame young ni taabu.
almost thought this pest had been taken care of :meffi:
How are sagging chins a good thing?
Botox and what-not. Money can make anyone look good. It’s a god.
I like it more than this cesspool
Why do talkers and admin ‘hate’ or rather don’t agree with you
Who cares at Kenyaspot they love me. In life you dont change to suit people’s preferences, you find your tribe! Leaders dont fit in, they dont just rock the boat,they overturn it and then they swim to the nearest island, am to0 fabulous to be like them, a mere follower- am no sheep Im a unicorn.
And btw Im only here to recruit especially the ladies to Kenyaspot. Nowadays Im a Kenyaspot person. Ive leveled up. This is a chickenshed and Im an eagle ofcourse it wasnt smooth sailing
the value of a lady(sorry i meant to say woman) goes down by 25% by age 30 and keeps on decreasing by 2% a year there after…
Achana na hao artificial beauty…
Who cares? The men who push these theories are failures. The Princes and NFL players are marrying these women, even Camilla was at the wall when Prince Charles married her, so its pretty telling why poor men failures need to push this wall thing, so that women get desperate and stoop to pick them up coz otherwise they’ll never get a chance. Its retarded failure logic. But it works on low quality women who dont know their worth. None of these women have had plastic surgery, these are their natural looks and they still got wealthy aristocrats inspite of the said walls. Age should not make you lower your standards ever. If this ladies listen to these bullshit, would they be marrying a real Prince ??? Nope. Theyd be with some brokeass dusty living off them . Life gives you what you demand. Low value men will always put women down bcz they need to to get women. Its just logic, if you’re poor, always be bitching about rich people. People hate what they cant have. A useless brokeass redpill cultist would have given this girl Meaghan grief over her age and the fact that she’s raised by a single mom blah blah. A Prince whose 6th in line to the throne, you can be 37,divorced and black , still ,no sweat. Its always losers who give women a hard time.
Its still men who redeem them ama !!! Am not in that line of beta males anyway naweza invite wewe kwa mancave niko na guarana na chips
Older women are more desperate though
Nature is nature, you don’t argue with it,you don’t fight it.
We have the data,we understand the statistics, and their will always be a 5% weird group of people.
If you get married above 35(that’s if your not)please inbox me coz your chances are down by 45% and you will either get the choir guy or the virgin lecturer.
The truth is the truth, but as humans we like living in the other side coz its comfortable.
Feminazi will never win and if they do it will be the end of human civilisation as we know it.
Sasa since nimekuambia ukweli sweetie si uni inbox for some action.
Nyef! Nyef! A British prince is marrying a 37 yo black divorcee. And an NFL player is marrying a 47 yo woman. Nature haikuwacheki before they ended up in the 5%? You saying you have the data means nada, if you have empirical data from a bonafide research bring it because your opinion is just that, your subjective hypothesis until it can be proved via empirical research. And an opinion is like a nose everyone has one, just coz you got something that hangs between your legs dont mean your nose means more than that of others. I bring facts , you bring facts otherwise your personal opinion means jack.