You’ve heard that women age like milk and men like fine wine but have you heard that women outlive men by at least 7 years. So you will outlive your male age mates by 7 years and upto 20 years. Does God have a sense of humour. Add to that the fact that XY chromosomes are defective and hence predisposing men to diseases like COVID. Nothing beats death - it’s the final wall of no return. Si Mungu anajua kubalance. God humbles the proud, is there a greater humbling than death? You laugh at women then you die and leave them living for upto 20 years. Male motto die young and leave a good looking corpse.
Guess which record a man will never break? Oldest person alive.
Nothing makes me happy more than a toxic and hate filled woman finally realise that she is no longer wanted in the dating scene, and that her glorious days are over. she has come to the realisation that she can no longer stun men. It makes me feel great that finally she has lived to experience the very same vile and immaturity she meted.
Not far ago there was vera sidika who stood on a public platform and literally shat on kenyan men. I think she’s now experiencing the very kenyan men but in a much more rough way
You should look for another source of happiness besides other people’s ‘misery’. It really is pathetic that you have nothing greater/better to be happy about.Why are you so bitter with women? What did they do to you? Do they kill men every day? Do you know the real reason women live longer than you? Because they let go of the wrong things men and even women do to them.
Imagine for a minute if women held grudges and want revenge or to ‘win’ in some twisted way. Women watch on the news daily how men kill and rape women.Men abandoned women who then decided to put everything into those men’s kids who grow up to be amazing people. Men con women and they just start over and give it their all and God opens their ways. Do you think that women get any satisfaction when they hear a man committed suicide or is rotting in jail because of killing a woman or a child? We just feel sorry for you, that this is how little your life meant to you.
For us, just being alive,in good health, a source of income and a few people who love us unconditionally is our greatest source of happiness. If we are able to go shopping and travel and watch a good movie,read a good book and go out to eat or cook a delicious meal, we are more than happy.
But hey, women are just built to be the bigger person like that, men just don’t have it in them.