Doesn’t matter if he’s found innocent. His public life is over
Doesn’t matter if he’s found innocent. His public life is over
Malizeni hao pedophiles maumbwa hao. I have young 2 daughters and am always scared for them wakienda kucheza nje na watoto wengine.
age of the ‘child’ ? feminazi can claim a 18 year old is a child. our boy sigurdson is innocent till proven guilty but feminazi wa UK noma atapewa suspension kama ile Giggs alipewa vile alipiga malaya mwizi sweep
Giggs is a nasty little twat who fucked his brother’s wife. Bana mtu hutembea kiasi. In Greek we say the grass of home does not feed livestock. But he’s 25% African so we’re cool
hii lazima ni sexting sio ile kubwa
[SIZE=1]kabla @Coronatities animalize kisisasa, sexting is also a serius crime[/SIZE]
Ni kama ile ya Adam Johnson… It is probably sexting with a girl who lied about her age.
atafinywaa mpaka atii, mtu ako na pesa ya kununua malaya na bado anakimbizana na vifaranga! Shieth!
Ni kijana mdogo meaning this Everton player is a homosexual kama @patco
Ukikataa hii woke propaganda ya globalists unatupiwa metoo movement. Bill Cosby manenoz.