hii world cup

iko down tu sana… wapi official song


nothing will beat this.

I no longer watch grown men wearing shorts chasing some spherical object that they keep kicking all the time, zangu siku hizi ni kusaka doh na kufanya ngono na watoto wa kike

Meanwhile the saudis are facing it up,waende tu nyumbani,hio swara haiwatakii mema
[SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Plane carrying Saudi Arabia World Cup team catches fire mid air
[B][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/sei_17634827.jpg?w=748&h=508&crop=1[/B][/SIZE]
Flames were seen jumping from one of the engines of the Russian Airlines Airbus which was travelling to Rostov where they will play against Uruguay on Wednesday. Thankfully, no-one was injured, and the team landed and made it off the plane safely


correct term is wasichana you pedophile fcukin idiot

Nani amekuuliza?

Hio ilishika pia, But my best still remains the samba beat, France 98…


Wasenge wamekach…fuackin siet

Waving flag wasn’t even the official 2010 world cup song…

Who remembers this kit for Cameroon?:D:D:D:D

Mzito Ndiefi. RIP Marc-Vivien Foe.



this is dope

mimi natambua WakaWaka


Pius Ndiefi was a hardworking player

Was in South Africa in 2010 na Brazil pia