Hii Ndio Kuponea Chupuchupu

He lived to tell


Muricans are just too weak. Why are the kids from the other side of the battlefield, the ones holding AK47s wearing perahan tunban not going crazy? Why don’t we hear similar suicidal numbers from Afghans and Iraqis

Please don’t talk of things you haven’t the slightest idea about. Don’t call people weak if you’ve never walked a mile in their shoes.

There are no winners in any war. On either side.

That being said, I have sat down and have talked to some vets that served in Iraq & Afghanistan. The mental anguish that war inflicts is even equal or worse than the physical aspect.

War is not as depicted in the movies or video games.


Shoga patco, tafuta shoga wenzako @Thirimaii

Don’t be tagging me fool.

babe am not that donkey @patco

and please respect women no need to be rude.

Umbwa wewe. Why are you always lying to God’s children?

Why you always lying bro?