Of late imekuwa wanaume kuanikwa from our leaders, sportsmen and now chokoraa. It seems we now have to develop an agreement document and we carry it wherever we go where both parties sign before the action begins. Otherwise itakuwa kigeugeu kunguru kukugeukia depending on the circustance. Always record record it and keep it safe especially that time kunguru agrees to it otherwise itakuwa a victim and defendant at the mercy of kungurus.
we were advised hata kama ni hit and run to always follow up the romp with raunchy text messages indicating you both enjoyed. If possible the same day as she is going to her place. Halafu hizo messages you preserve them in a lead box hata nuclear radiation isifikie
hahahhahahha, that is even better but it becomes when you didn’t enjoy and by complimenting kunguru will think you want a repeat match.
Plus you won’t be able kuruka bill in future if the need be
kuruka bill ya nini?
hahhaaha DP is saying it is high time deputy governors have defined roles to avoid them being idle in the offices that will make then hungry hyenas… Kumbe hawananga kazi wanatumia pesa zetu kunyanduana right left and centre
wakati kunguru atasema ball ni yako yet the last time you had her canal knowledge was 12 months ago
hehe siku hizi only a dumb kunguru will try pulling that stunt. so many tools at our disposal to check whether its truly your pregnancy.
By the time it will be proved that it was not yours the damage will have been done
wanaume wa learn kuomba vitu via sms ama whatsapp…That way all evidence will be readily available to defend you
hehehe am glad mnachukua hii advice yangu seriously.
people should learn to save all Kunguru text messages. Hata akina whatsapp provide Google Drive backup options. Don’t delete them just because you don’t talk to each other, WhatsApp has an archive chat option
I fully agree this is the irreducible minimum before any “Dick-P***y Shake” hehehe the famous handshake .
kwanza @Ice_Cube angalia these cases
ama hii https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rape-trial-collapse-sex-text-messages-police-funding-cuts-liam-allan-disclosure-phone-innocent-a8113011.html kwanza hii the lady admitted in text that she enjoyed the sex and she even wanted a rematch halafu she goes ahead and accuse him of rape
in future all males will have to rig their bedrooms with CCTV. Prosecutors cannot afford to be skeptical hata kidogo whenever a girl screams RAPE! since they will be accused of “Victim Shaming”. The modus operandi is to trash whatever the accused has to say without trying to get the whole story. Any sexual encounter from now henceforth should be treated as a potential landmine. Those guys had their lives turned upside down over false accusations.
Hii screeenshot maze explains the genesis of numerous of these cases
Oh shiet
hii kazi yote omwami
si watu waowe tu ama wa choke bishofu mpka ile siku atakufa
Was every thing devolved ?
We need to revisit the constitution
hii ni pesa “mashimoni” sio mashinani this must have been a typo
Wale wameoa ndio mahungry kabisa