I was the most famous student in school but because of one thing… Late Coming. Here is how I made it in High school life. Both our primary and secondary school are just next to my home. Sasa kuna siku nilichelewa nikachungulia kwa fence nikaona ni Deputy Principal Mr. Thitu ako duty. He had given me so many warnings before and every warning was the last one. Nikajua nikipatikana leo kama hatanikula na Avocado, napelekwa kwa Principal pap na Itakuwa a possible Suspee. Ilibidi niingilie kwa fence nikajificha kwa some classes that were still under construction until a jackpot idea hit me. I grabbed some ragged clothes za watu wa mjengo nikavaa juu ya uniform na pia nikavaa sijui ni kimarvin ama kimuffin kwa kichwa na nikatoklezea in slow - mo kama Salman Khan wa Movie za kihindi. I could feel some sand particles had found their way in from the collar hadi kwa makende … And It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but comparing I was escaping death from the hands of Mr. Thitu, the feeling was heavenly. Nikafika kwa gate lakini Saitan akanishow Ngotea huyo mjinga… Nikasema with clenched teeth… ‘Habari ya mwalimu’ na nikapita kama Lorry ya Makaa . Niliskia akiniambia na huko nyuma … ‘Mzuri sana, hapa kazi tu… ’ but me bieng a moron that I was, I almost bust out with laughter . Since my ears were covered I couldn’t make clear whatever he mumbled there after and I couldn’t look back to ask what he said . But i swear that Mr. Thitu was many things but not an idiot… I could feel his thitû eyes on my back drilling holes and calculating things. Nilikaza matako hadi ikatoa dimples as i literally ate space with my strides to cover a considerable distance between us, then i half- run the rest of the way to the toilets for extreme make over… I knew it would take more than a miracle kutumia maji nilichota na kasuku kujipanguza hadi niache kunuka Cement na kokoto. When I got inside the toilet I got so busy getting sand off my ass and at the same plotting how am gonna make a quiet entrance into our class, that I didn’t notice I left the toilet door unlocked and there was a small gap left between. As I was Putin back my soggy pants my eyes wandered aimlessly huku nikisoma maandishi kwa walls na kwa mlango, in my line of vision I caught a dark figure blocking the light on the door that I couldn’t tell who it was or how long it was standing there peeping through… Its when it knew I made him that he pushed the door wide open and there was nothing I could do about it… My hands were pulling my pants up and barely keeping it together. Finally… There he was … standing, mighty high and tall … Mahendra Baahubali mwenyewe Mr. Thitu Thiûtûre!!.. This teacher we had a history… He was ever lucky to catch me doing something wrong. I studied his countenance for a moment and I could tell he wasn’t even mad or agitated or surprised … He somehow looked glad and happy that he caught me… Literally pants down. My face filled with dread… We momentarily held a gaze in a spiritual way , replaying how that Afro cinema had unfolded upto that moment… Karibu ni nyambe when I recalled that i even greeted him at the gate and He made a wicked grin to affirm me that “Thitu people remembers”. He must have been waiting for me to pee on myself but he figured i must have peed the first time I landed in the toilet after I pulled that stunt at the gate. He calmly told me to put back all those clothes as I was when I passed him at the gate… I wanted to resist boarding lakini nikawaza hapa kubishana sio vita pekee… hata mavi nitakula… I put them back on and he heckled me out all the way outside the Staffroom. Without even bieng told I knew I was supposed to wait outside… he went inside. And so, I waited vehemently for an absolution that might be ruled as castration or death penalty. The windows of the staffrooms were ever open, so I could hear him narrating to other teachers and they would occasionally look at me through the window and maddening laughter would follow.
. I could tell they were having a good time… And I was scared shittless I couldn’t feel my knees. Its was almost 8:am… The assembly bell rang nikapelekwa hapo mbele… I swear nobody was absent that day, kutoka my crush who we happened to be in the same class… to our maths teacher and we had double math periods hiyo siku na sikuwa nimeanza homework alitupea jana. Hiyo parade haikuwa inakalika… Ni kicheko cha mbwa. Standing there was punishment enough. Mr. Thitu came forward and started my eulogy… I made sure I didn’t make eye contact with my Classmates especially my close friends… They were waiting on me… Wangechukiliwa hiyo parade na vijiko kama wamemwagika na kicheko. … Mr. Thitû… Continued. ’ … this maggot has never wore socks a day in his life ever since he joined this school, I have caught this animal severally akitoka choo za walimu… Ata juzi juzi aliacha amehara huko ndani kwote na hawezi osha. … Hii kichwa ni mkembe tu ya solea’ (Mafuta ya nywele). Alikumbusha watu siku ingine nilikuwa nimeitwa kuomba hapo mbele kwa assembly and the crowd went ablaze… when they recalled that incident. It was like this… All classes were supposed to nominate one student to lead in prayers every day kwa parade and that day was my turn, so my friend helped me to prepare for it before time… He had lied to me that the word ‘maskiff’ is another word for prayer na ndio watu wanitambue lazima nitumie vocabularies… Sinilienda hapo mbele kusema let us Maskiff na nitafunga macho nakuinama chini kuomba… Some people had almost died laughing … Kwanza line ya class yetu huko nyuma outdid everyone… Its like they were expecting am gonna say something so stupid. Anyway, Mr. Thitu went on on hadi nikakuwa immune to what was going on. I just stood there like the walking dead with my ragged clothes soaking their laughter… From that day… I was marked for the rest of my High school life I have never recovered… Nafikirianga niende therapy but naonanga nitaenda kufanya mambo huko tena ibidi niende therapy ya izo vitu nimefanya kwa hiyo therapy. Why bother!!!
I be the first to comment then finish reading.
Damn. Memories
Hapa itabidi pia mimi niangushe hekaya
C mbaya vile
nice hekaya. pewa like
Hekaya swafi
[SIZE=2]Lakini ni kama Mr. Thitu pia hakukufunza kuhusu paragraphs [/SIZE]
Brathee hekaya safi
Maliza hekaya boss, what happened after the assembly
good one
Maliza hekaya venye crush wako alicheki wewe ni bad boy akaamua akupee pussy udip kichwa tu uwache kudrip simiti kwa balls
For the 1st time umepost kitu ya maana Buda.[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]✓