Hidden danger at home

Never knew this gas cookers can be risky and that dangerous. My gas cooker just exploded like a thrown bomb while i was in the process of cooking. Its only by grace of God and that i am alive and kicking.

Karibu ilipue mlipuayote

I posted something like this before… sorry though. MIKA, Ramtons, Von. No go zone.

Sii wewe no @mlipuayote?

Pole kakabraza.
Naona hio poster ya Samido inasema :Ddesigned in Italy; Made in Europe. …Kwani Italy haiko Europe?

Iko Mediterranean

Thank God you were not hurt.

for those in Kenya

https://www.total.co.ke/public-notice-lpg-hose-pipe-recall [ATTACH=full]352586[/ATTACH]

Sorre sana mujamaa, na hio ma wiring yote ni ya kiberiti ama?

They are the wirings inside the gas cooker

Hiyo ni made in china…

Mlipuayote leo amelipua gas cooker:D:D

Your kitchen shoudl be a no smoking zone!

leaking metal gas pipes or poor design causing the gas mixture to ignite before it surfaces. less likely scenario coakroaches may have tampered with it.

hio ni sembe imerushwa huko kando? @Tarantinoh

Pole sana mdau supper ililipuka yote

A very important thread

Yani Ngimanene na ndengu imeenda hivyo tu? Terrible waste

Hata cooker hujatumia mdau,naona manual imetuliza tu

Stick kwa professhen yako ya kunyoa futhiii safazali