hidden chinese agenda?

the chinks could be onto some sneaky invasion


it is not hidden. it is out there in the open.

ok,in regards to the american world domination agenda of military super power ,could the chinese have found a mundane way of sneaking in via subtle ‘infrastructure development’ considering the fact that they said that it’ll take some time for the handover of the SGR service to kenyan authorities.picture all the countries they are in,then the control they have until the transitons to the countries…That was my two cent,not what we see in the open,sir

while western countries have used violence and other forms of coercion to gain advantages china has used soft power techniques that are earning them the same advantages without creating the antagonism that hard power tactics create.

China wants to take over the world and they are not hiding it. You either go along with it or don’t

It is better than waging war and destroying poor countries like US/European countries do.

It’s a new scramble for colonies and soon we are bootlicking them coz we won’t afford to pay them

As you wait for the chinese to come settle, you will soon realize that they settled already. And they are already your relatives. smart right ?
watch this. Wakikuja ata hutajua shemeji ni mgani, so unawachana nao wote.


\by the way mbona hii watu ya west africa hawanaga visogo ?
Alafu have you guys realized how easy it is for these guys to integrate ? Mchinku anakam hapa bilabibi, 6 months down the line ako na watoi na anaishi uthiru. Meanwhile some ferkers have been here 200 years and they can’t even speak Swahili and they are still holed up in some mini-calcutta pale parklands road.

They are hiding it trying to offer goodies to entice us unlike the US that uses brutal force mostly

Kwanza Zambia na Angola, I read somewhere they have flocked there in large numbers.

Hawa china hawana mchezo when it comes to work, what I have seen hapo tatu city is just amazing, these guys work hata usiku.

It’s simple business , just like Safaricom is to Telecommunication , KPLC is to power distribution etc … The beautiful thing is you actually have a choice of yes or no with the Chinese and now imagine if we would say no to everything Chinese , we would be in the dark ages .

I keep telling people to buy as much land as possible because the Chinese are coming and they dismiss me. Wait until Government of Kenya allows foreigners to buy freehold lands ndio Kenyans will wish they listened to me. Right now foreigners are not allowed to buy agricultural land in Kenya.
Those cheap lands in Rumuruti will be scooped up in a heartbeat then watu waanze kulialia.

Get yours there or elsewhere and plant trees then you can rest assured that your great grandchildren will be thanking God for your foresight.
And now with digitising the land records, fraud is going to get eliminated. Involve a lawyer lakini

Exactly. The Chinese will be the next super power. They want to dominate the world through debt. Already, China owns USA because it is its largest creditor.


is it only you that cannot see? mbona trump ameachana na story za trade?

the Commercial Airlines Corp of China’s COMAC C919 has taken to the skies four years ahead of schedule…this means no more buying from Boeing and Airbus…

That is not how national debt works my fren … Deni to an individual is very different than deni to a state plus so long as the us controls world financial system … they have nothing to worry about

What great invention has come out of China in the last decade, let alone two? They need to first stop with their intellectual property theft and show that they are worth their salt.

Google - American invention. Internet - American invention. iPads/tablets - American invention. GPS - American military invention. Facebook/Twitter - biggest social platforms - American inventions. Leading medical institutions, research and medicine - dominated by the Americans.

Need I go on?

The imbalance in trade is what favors China, their cheap labor and knack for counterfeit goods.