Lakini kazi iendelee. Msitu Boni lazima uwe msafi[ATTACH=full]179879[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179880[/ATTACH]
One birrions imekunywa maji hivyo tu? (Going by a recent post ya 4b for 4 police birds).
Hii ni police choppers ukiona? Hio ya 4b zimekua unveiled kweli? Do you know how long these choppers have been flying? Obama akija Kenya alitupea nini kama zawadi ya kuchunga mujahideen? Hio ndio homework
Kuna mumeru muislamu ghaidi originally from Majengo area of Gikombaa anajiita Ahmed Iman Ali who used to make propaganda videos for Al Shabaab. He is reportedly hiding in Boni Forest
Kenya Army mid-range transport and medevac choppers. Huey Bell II given as a grant by former President Obama.
My fren, there’s a reason I specifically brought up the post.
This happens to these Heli’s a lot. They hit a pocket of dry air and completely stall. But I’m glad to see the pilots made a good emergency landing…
Also, you can see these helicopters are shit just look how the cockpit is separating from the rest of the body. That’s a serious design flaw hopefully this damage is very much fixable because the engine, rotors and tail section are intact.
Hizi ni zile Huey za Vietnam war au?
How old is this Bird?
Kuponea chupuchupu.
They can’t be. Same overall model but modern. Same with the Killer Egg obtained
KDF has bought an undisclosed number of AW 139 Agusta Militarized version chopper.
Delivery dates, weapons configurations and features remains a secret. Parliament approved its purchase among other military equipment necessary.
Yes Vietnam Huey were version 1. These are new Huey II modernized and delivered in 2017.
Tunataka AH-64 Apache bw @spear. I am sure we can afford one or two.
Iko Cobra which was a competitor to Apache before the US govt settled on Apache after it challenged the defence companies
This is a great buy lots of tech perfect for KDF.
The process of buying it can take almost a decade of kissing uncle sam a** and their skewed foreign policy. Then its expensive to buy, maintain, arm, operate and train pilots/ground crew compared to its Russian or Chinese peers. Recently Netherlands grounded its fleet because of costs. Former President Obama arranged two Bell attack cobras for our border missions from Jordan Army. Let’s use those for now.
Seriously? An Italian converted heli compared to a battle proven bird over 60yrs old? A plane still used by US and it’s VERY CLOSE associates? Ni mfuko yetu tu iliamua Italy. Hata leo it’s survivability was the reason the crew walked out alive
The military in developing countries like kenya should be involved in national infrastructure development just like in some of the asian countries. Hii mambo ya kukuna makende ukingoja non-existent action ni mchezo tuu.